Totnes Castle, Devon. Programme of archaeological work (OASIS ID: cotswold2-283123)

Cotswold Archaeology, 2018. How to cite using this DOI

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Cotswold Archaeology (2018) Totnes Castle, Devon. Programme of archaeological work (OASIS ID: cotswold2-283123) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cotswold Archaeology (2018) Totnes Castle, Devon. Programme of archaeological work (OASIS ID: cotswold2-283123) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Totnes Castle, Devon. Programme of archaeological work (OASIS ID: cotswold2-283123)

In November 2016, Cotswold Archaeology (CA) carried out a programme of archaeological work in advance of the rebuilding of a collapsed section of boundary wall at Totnes Castle, Devon. The works comprised the archaeological hand excavation of a new foundation trench for the section of wall to be rebuilt. This trench lay at the western limit of the castle grounds, at the boundary with the adjacent residential plots.

The archaeological work recorded a substantial cut feature. This was undated artefactually, but is presumed to be part of the medieval moat protecting the inner bailey, which is now dry but which survives as substantial ditched earthworks in the area of the trench. The stone-built foundation of the collapsed section of boundary wall was also recorded; this too was undated artefactually, but is believed to be post-medieval in date.

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