Expanding the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base - Museums and HERS (6419)

Owain Lloyd-James, Adam Partington, 2014. https://doi.org/10.5284/1027511. How to cite using this DOI

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Owain Lloyd-James, Adam Partington (2014) Expanding the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base - Museums and HERS (6419) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1027511

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Owain Lloyd-James, Adam Partington (2014) Expanding the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base - Museums and HERS (6419) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1027511

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Questionnaires to local authorities and communities

This part of the project was designed according to two main phases of data collection. The first assessed the types, availability and accessibility of heritage information held by local authority Archives, Historic Environment Records (HERs) and Museums. A second group of questionnaires, sent to all communities producing a Neighbourhood Plan, provided information on whether or not they accessed heritage information and, if so, how they were able to obtain it and use it in their plans.

Local Authority Questionnaires Format

The local authority consultation gathered information from three key local authority services:

  1. Historic Environment Record (HER) offices, which are typically concerned with collating information about the physical historic environment such as archaeology and built heritage.
  2. Archives and Local Studies Libraries, which preserve and maintain historic records and documentary heritage, and provide public access to them.
  3. Museums, which provide direct public access to a wide range of tangible historic objects and documents.

A total of 126 responses were received across all three types of local authority repository and the completed questionnaires are available to view or download in PDF format from the Downloads page.

Community Questionnaires

The community questionnaire was designed to identify the aims of each Neighbourhood Plan, the different types and sources of heritage information accessed, and any guidance and assistance used. The responses, together with the results of the local authority questionnaires, enabled analysis of both the levels of access of data available to communities and its subsequent use in their plans.

A total of 56 responses were received. All questionnaires were generally comprehensively completed, although for some multiple choice questions answers were left partially blank or not marked. As with the local authority services, the completed neighbourhood plan questionnaires are available to view or download in PDF format from the Downloads page.

Results and Analysis

Results and analysis of the questionnaires were incorporated in two interim reports; a local authority report and a community report. These included statistical analysis and discussion of responses. The results for the Archive, HER and Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaires can be found above the completed questionnaires in spreadsheet format by clicking on the relevant heading at the Downloads page. PDF versions of the interim reports and final report can be found at the top of the Downloads page.

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