The Hazardous Project

Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, 2005. How to cite using this DOI

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Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology (2005) The Hazardous Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology
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National Oceanography Centre
Empress Dock
SO14 3ZH
Tel: 023 8059 3290
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Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology (2005) The Hazardous Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


The Hazardous Project team are a highly skilled avocational group who have maintained a comprehensive set of records of work undertaken. The project record keeping system was formulated for their specific needs and grew organically over time. While including relevant archaeological information the archive differs from standard formats.

The archive project has consolidated the various systems that developed through this period. It aimed, where possible, to organise this in a standard format while maintaining original artefact and dive log numbers.

This reorganisation is detailed in "Warship Hazardous Archive Summary Report".

A signpost database was created to catalogue the archive. The database catalogues three types of data; artefact, image and paper.


Artefacts kept their original find number allocated via a system that developed with the project. A description of this system is contained within the summary report. The catalogue contains detailed information about each artefact including material, type, class, location and conservation history. It also incorporates recent recommendations for conservation considerations made by the Mary Rose Archaeological Services.

The recommendations from the Mary Rose Archaeological Services are detailed in "Condition assessment, care and stabilization recommendations for artefacts so far recovered from the HMS Hazardous wreck site".

  Table ARTEFACT_Hazardous_Artefact_Records

This is an index of artefacts recovered from the site. It lists all relevant information relating to each artefact including type, class, conservation, and provenance.

Each record has a unique record number which is a primary key for the database and is not used to identify artefacts. Every artefact is allocated a finds number composed of an artefact prefix and artefact number. The original system was designed for the projects purposes and is not in a recognised format. From 1999 a new system was created which is in a recognised format. The original numbers were kept as they were used for cross referencing purposes on other paperwork. Artefacts recovered before an archaeological recording system was in place have recently been added to the new system. As year of recovery is unknown the artefact # was adapted and are referred to as pre-designation finds (PD).

Artefact PrefixArtefact #
Original System Refers to site location:
  MS=Main Site
  W=West of MS
  N=North of MS
  F*=from concretion, [* refers to concretion number (G-X)]
A sequential number is allocated to each find suffixed with the year of recovery [eg. 010.88].
New System (from 1999) HZA:
  HZ=Site Code (Hazardous)
  A= Artefacts
A sequential number is allocated to each find suffixed with the year of recovery [eg. 009.01].
Pre-designationFinds (PD) HZA:
  HZ=Site Code (Hazardous)
  A= Artefacts
A sequential number is allocated to each find prefixed with PD [eg. PD01].

The table consists of the fields:
Record #, Artefact prefix, Artefact #, Count, Material, Length cm, Breadth cm, Diameter cm, Initial storage, Conservation, Notes, Co-ordinates, Provenience, From/Assoc, Excavation date, Artefact type, Artefact class, Condition, Storage, Location, Treatment.


Items catalogued under images include all photographs, slides and videos associated with the site. Every item has been catalogued with a new record number. Each record contains information about its content, location and any previous record number. A sample of 10% of the images are available for download.

  Table IMAGE_Hazardous_Image_Index

This is an index of the images (photograph and slide) from the project. Images are owned by the Hazardous Project Team and the Hampshire and Wight Trust and were catalogued under differing systems. They have been relabelled under one system with a identity number. This is composed of the site code prefix 'HZ' (Hazardous), a sequential number and the suffix 'p' (picture) eg HZ0089p.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Date, Description, Location, Previous #.


Paper items have been split into eight different categories to reflect the original recording system. Where possible, categories have been allocated a new record number. Each record details the content, location and any previous record number.

Items within categories 'Dive Paperwork' and 'Finds Index' kept their original record number. Items within categories 'Conservation', 'Correspondence Index', 'Drawings', 'Licence Correspondence' and 'Report Index' were allocated new record numbers. Items held by external organisations were signposted under the category 'EH&NMR'.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Conservation_Index

This is an index of the conservation log sheet paper record. It contains information about which artefact is logged on the sheet. They are logged with a identity number composed of the site code prefix 'HZ' (Hazardous), a sequential number and the suffix 'con' (conservation) eg HZ0101con.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Find #, Date Lifted, Artefact description, Summary, Cross Ref, Pages.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Correspondence_Index

This is an index of the correspondence paper record. It contains information about correspondence concerning the project but does not include licensing information. It details who the corresponcne was between and classifies its content (general, buoyage, divers, talks, DCMS/EH, HWTMA, site inspection or finds). They are logged with a identity number composed of the site code prefix 'HZ' (Hazardous), the code 'c' (correspondence) and a sequential number from 1 to 499 eg HZc255.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Date, From, To, Description, Subsection.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Diving_Index

This is an index paper record generated during diving operations. It details the record sheet type including dive log, archaeological record, sketch/drawing and photo and relevant information from the log. They are logged with an identity number derived from the date of the dive and the dive number eg. 08.08.90/2.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Drawing/record #, Description, Comments, Features.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Drawing_Index

This is an index of the drawn record and contains a brief description, scale and drawing type. They are logged with a identity number composed of the prefix 'd' (drawing) and a sequential number eg d010.

The table consists of the fields:
Drawing #, Type, Description, Date, Scale.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_EH&NMR_Index

This is an index of the paper record held by English Heritage and the National Monuments Record. As this information is already listed with these organisations under there own systems this index is purely a signpost to other information available. The identity number is a sequential autonumber generated for the database and is not recognised by the other organisations.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Date, What, Description, Location.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Licence_Index

This is an index of the paper record relating to licensing correspondence. They are logged with a standard number composed of the site code prefix 'HZ' (Hazardous), the code 'c' (correspondence) and a sequential number from 500 onwards eg HZc555.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Date, Description, Summary.

  Table PAPER_Hazardous_Report_Index

This is an index of report generated during the project. They are listed under the title and date with a brief description. They are logged with an identity number composed of the site code prefix 'HZ' (Hazardous), the code 'r' (report) and a sequential number eg HZr255.

The table consists of the fields:
Identity #, Date, Title, Description, Location.

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