A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge: The Iron Age to Early Medieval Evidence

Cath Ambrey, David W Fell, Richard Fraser, Stuart Ross, Greg Speed, Philip N Wood, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5284/1041575. How to cite using this DOI

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Cath Ambrey, David W Fell, Richard Fraser, Stuart Ross, Greg Speed, Philip N Wood (2017) A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge: The Iron Age to Early Medieval Evidence [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1041575

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Cath Ambrey, David W Fell, Richard Fraser, Stuart Ross, Greg Speed, Philip N Wood (2017) A Roman Roadside Settlement at Healam Bridge: The Iron Age to Early Medieval Evidence [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1041575

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Evidence for pre-Roman Iron Age through to post-Roman activity was revealed during a major programme of archaeological investigation undertaken as an integral part of the construction scheme to widen the A1 trunk road between Dishforth and Leeming Bar in North Yorkshire. Significant archaeological remains were encountered at Healam Bridge, a scheduled Roman settlement located on Dere Street Roman road, midway between the walled towns of Isuriam Brigantum and Cataractonium (the modern villages of Aldborough and Catterick).

This two-volume set presents the results and discussion of the excavations and analysis of the environmental and human remains (Volume 1), and the analysis of the artefactual assemblages (Volume 2). Evidence from Healam Bridge indicates activity dating from the early 2nd century AD into the Anglo-Saxon period. The location of the site astride the main Roman route to the north of England and Scotland was reflected in the wide range of pottery and other finds recovered, and activities such as iron-smithing are likely to have served the passing trade as much as the local community. The extensive animal bone assemblage suggested that horse, possibly mule, breeding was a significant activity at Healam Bridge throughout the Roman period.

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