North Sea Palaeolandscape Project

University of Birmingham, 2011. How to cite using this DOI

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University of Birmingham (2011) North Sea Palaeolandscape Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Primary contact

Prof Vince Gaffney
Chair in Landscape Archaeology
School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

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University of Birmingham (2011) North Sea Palaeolandscape Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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The primary objectives of this project were:

  • To use the existing 3D seismic datasets acquired on the United Kingdom continental shelf for exploring Late Quaternary and Holocene geology over an area of the Southern North Sea.
  • To provide maps of the recent geological sequence at a regional scale.
  • To provide detailed digital mapping of the topographic features of the region and to use voxel rendering to allow the true 3D architecture of Late Quaternary and Holocene systems to be established.
  • To compare the Holocene topographic data with available core and borehole data to ground truth data and calibrate results.
  • To provide a model of survival potential for environmental and archaeological deposits within the area of the Southern North Sea which may be used by the aggregates industry to plan extraction and mitigation strategies.
  • To use data on environmental and archaeological potential to provide an extensive depositional map of the Southern North Sea for use for aggregate developmental purposes.
  • To utilise seismic attribute analysis to map depositional systems in detail and to make calibrated lithological predictions which may be used in aggregate deposit modelling.
  • To provide palaeocoastline data, which may be used in the development and calibration of current sea level and palaeobathymetry models.
  • Disseminate knowledge of the methodology and outcomes of the project for the purposes of supporting and developing the aggregate industry.

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