Rill Cove Finds Project

Kevin Camidge, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Kevin Camidge (2008) Rill Cove Finds Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Kevin Camidge (2008) Rill Cove Finds Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


This project recorded the finds recovered from the protected wreck site at Rill Cove. The finds were recovered between 1976 and 1992 and are currently in the possession of the site licensee Mike Hall.

The site has yielded a number of artifacts typical of those expected from an early 17th century shipwreck. By far the largest group of objects consists of silver coins; the date range of those recorded is from 1590 to 1606. No excavation has been undertaken on the site since 1992. Some of the silver coins recovered have been sold at auction, but unfortunately there is no record of the coins which were sold.


The principal aim was to produce a record of the objects recovered from the Rill Cove site. The record consists of a finds database which conforms to the relevant NMR thesauri and is also compliant with the ADS data standards. Each object was photographed using a high quality digital SLR with dedicated micro lens. The record is in the same format as that recently produced for the PHW material in Charlestown Shipwreck Museum and the finds record of the St Anthony.

The need to record these objects is amply evidenced by the fact that an unknown number of the coins from this site have been sold at auction. The current whereabouts of these objects are not known. No record of these objects exists; indeed, we do not know with any degree of certainty how many were sold. Now there is a record of the remaining objects in case further dispersal takes place.


The objects were recorded directly to computer using a simple Microsoft Excel database. No paper records were made. Objects were measured using digital callipers for the smaller objects and a tape measure for the larger objects. Where appropriate, the objects were weighed using a calibrated digital laboratory balance (0.1 gram discrimination). All objects were photographed using a digital SLR mounted on a copy stand. The objects were illuminated using two photoflood lights as there was no available daylight where the photographs were taken.

The table below shows the data fields used in the finds database, this can also be downloaded.

Data FieldData TypeNotes and NMR Thesauraus
ID NoNumberUnique identifier. Note that some numbers in the sequence were not used - in which case the record is marked number not used.
O classTextObject class in (mda archaeological objects) or (Test thesaurus fixtures and fittings - Ship fittings) where relevant entries exist.
O typeTextObject type in (mda archaeological objects) or (Test thesaurus fixtures and fittings - Ship fittings) where relevant entries exist.
O nameTextObject name - Preferred term in (mda archaeological objects) or (test thesaurus fixtures and fittings - Ship fittings) where relevant entries exist.
MaterialText(NMR Main building materials) where relevant entries exist.
NumbersNumericWhere multiple and numerous identical objects exist (eg five musket balls) this field shows how many there are.
DescriptionTextDescription of the object.
ConditionText(REP93 condition).
DIMTextDimensions in mm.
WeightNumericWeight of object in grams - only recorded for items such as ingots, shot etc where weight is relevant.
PeriodTextRCHM archaeological period.
Precise dateTextPrecise date where indicated (eg on coins).
RecoveredTextDate recovered where known.
MarkedTextWhere the object is marked with a number or identifier this is recorded.
PhotographsTextAlphabetic characters record how many photographs were taken. For example "A" denotes a single photograph, "ABC" three photographs. Photographs are labelled RC, followed by the ID number, then an alphabetic character. For example RC0155B is the label for the second photograph of object number 155.
NotesTextUsed for additional information.
Recorded byTextInitials of the recorder.
Record dateDateDate the record was made.

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