Welton-le-Wold, Lincolnshire: An understanding of the Ice Age

Dave Start, 2011. https://doi.org/10.5284/1000408. How to cite using this DOI

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Dave Start (2011) Welton-le-Wold, Lincolnshire: An understanding of the Ice Age [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000408

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Dave Start
Heritage Lincolnshire
The Old School
Cameron Street
Heckington, Sleaford
NG34 9RW

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Dave Start (2011) Welton-le-Wold, Lincolnshire: An understanding of the Ice Age [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000408

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The fundamental aim of the project as a whole was to apply a multi-disciplinary approach to further understand and enhance the archaeological and geological resource at Welton-le-Wold former sand and gravel quarry.

To achieve this, the project was originally structured into four separate project areas, each of which had its own main aims. Project Area 3 was not funded. This meant that work to create a permanent and safe exposure across the Pleistocene deposits within the Wildlife Trust Reserve was not achieved, and parts of the outreach and interpretation programme were curtailed. The Project Areas' aims and objectives addressed in this project were:

Project Area 1: A re-examination of the artefact and vertebrate fossil assemblages.
AIM: To re-evaluate the artefactual and faunal assemblages to gather fresh information about the age, environment and context of the material
Objective 1: To re-evaluate, verify identification and further analyse vertebrate faunal remains
Objective 2: To re-analyse the stone tools
Objective 3: To re-analyse the stone tools for degree of abrasion to provide critical information on the (assumed) secondary depositional context of the Palaeolithic artefacts.

Project Area 2: Geophysical and borehole investigation.
AIM: To re-assess and further investigate the context of the finds previously recovered from Welton-le-Wold former sand and gravel quarry.
Objective 1: To locate the original 1970's gravel section, or the existing buried gravel face in the western quarry exposure
Objective 2: To core the sequence of gravel deposits in the western and eastern faces in order to:

  • reconstruct a stratigraphic section of the sediments for comparison with those recorded by Straw between 1969 and 1972
  • assess the potential for artefact and fossiliferous bearing deposits

Objective 3. To re-assess and re-examine the upper and lower sequence of the Welton Beck Member gravels with modern geological techniques.
Objective 4: To identify and assess deposits for Palaeoenvironmental, fossil and artefactual potential.
Objective 5: To identify and sample deposits suitable for OSL dating.

Project Area 4: Outreach and dissemination.
AIM: To complement and enhance immediate and long-term intellectual access to the geological and archaeological resource at Welton-le-Wold.
Objective 1: To raise awareness of the former quarry at Welton-le-Wold as an educational resource amongst schools.
Objective 2: To raise awareness of the former quarry by launching the newly accessible faces in a Welton-le-Wold day.
Objective 3: To disseminate information about the geological and archaeological resource at the former quarry at Welton-le-Wold in a clear and accessible form for use by other organisations developing long-term interpretation strategies, educational material and museum displays.

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