n.a. (1994). MoLAS '94: annual review for 1992 and 1993.

The title of the publication or report
MoLAS '94: annual review for 1992 and 1993
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
The number of pages in the publication or report
Number of Pages:
Biblio Note
Biblio Note
This is a Bibliographic record only.
Biblio Note
Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
`MoLAS: The first two years' Peter Chowne (2-3) introduces the recently merged department, detailing its aims, research priorities, and the excavations to date. The first section outlines five Heritage management projects of 1992-93: the City Wall; Billingsgate Roman bath house; Platform Wharf, Rotherhithe; the Globe Theatre site, Southwark; and Sutton House, Hackney. The second section details evaluations and excavations according to the following topics: London before the Romans; the amphitheatre and other buildings of Roman London; Roman finds on the Jubilee Line; roads and settlements in the countryside around Londinium; London's medieval and post-medieval waterfront; environmental evidence for trade and economy in post-medieval London; bomb-damaged churches; and the development of London suburbs since the Middle Ages. The following section reports on the larger post-excavation projects and themes from both the City and Greater London publication programmes: prehistoric London; the growth of Roman London; Winchester Palace; Saxon London; medieval London Bridge; the monasteries of London; medieval and later pottery from London; Farringdon Street cemetery; and the Fleet Valley. A further programme of research is focused on the area of Greater London, excluding the City, with the aim of establishing a combined archaeological archive covering an area of six hundred square miles. The penultimate section describes consultancy, special projects, and work outside London -- including projects in Trondhiem, Ceasarea, and Beirut. The final section details work undertaken in each Borough, listing MoLAS clients and staff members. There is also a `MoLAS bibliography' (45-6).
Other Person/Org
Other Person/Org
Other people or organisations for this publication or report
Other Person/Org:
Malt Dick (Compiler)
John Schofield (Compiler)
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
International Standard Book Number
Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
Location - Auto Detected: Sutton House Hackney
Location - Auto Detected: London Bridge
Location - Auto Detected: London Farringdon Street
Location - Auto Detected: Greater London
Location - Auto Detected: Southwark
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
PREHISTORIC (Historic England Periods)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods)
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (The British Archaeological Bibliography (BAB))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
21 Jan 2002