Thomas, A. and Collard, M. (2000). Lower Mill Farm, Somerford Keynes, Gloucestershire. Archaeological Evaluation (Report No. 001240). Cirencester: Cotswold Archaeology.

The title of the publication or report
Lower Mill Farm, Somerford Keynes, Gloucestershire. Archaeological Evaluation (Report No. 001240)
Number of Pages
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Biblio Note
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Publication Type
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The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
12 trial trenches were excavated as an evaluation of the site. The northern half of the study area was found to contain archaeological deposits, however, any in the southern half were likely to have been destroyed by the construction of an embankment around a former gravel quarry now filled by Somerford Lagoon. Two trenches produced evidence of Romano-British activity in the form of shallow pits, gullies and ditches. The presence of roof tile fragments suggested the presence of a Romano-British building, possibly of some status, either within or in the vicinity of the site. Archaeological features were also identified in four other trenches and, although none produced any dateable artefacts, it was possible that they were also of Romano-British date. Two possible palaeochannels and two post-medieval ditches were also found. It was clear from previous archaeological work that the study area lay within a landscape extensively utilised for settlement and agriculture during the Iron Age and Romano-British periods. The identification of further archaeological remains from within the study area had the potential to significantly add to the understanding of these settlement patterns and land use. [Au(abr)]
The authors of this publication or report
A Thomas
Mark Collard
The publisher of the publication or report
Cotswold Archaeology
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
IRON AGE (Historic England Periods)
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Issue From: 2000 Date Of Coverage From: 01 Date Of Coverage To: 01 Editorial Expansion: Site name: LOWER MILL FARM, SOMERFORD KEYNES
Study area: 1.4ha
Investigation type: Evaluation
District: Cotswold
Monument: GULLY. Roman (AD43-410), [finds]. Post-medieval (1540-1901), POST HOLE. Undated, PIT. Undated, [finds]. Roman (AD43-410), DITCH. Undated, DITCH. Roman (AD43-410), DITCH. Post-medieval (1540-1901), PIT. Roman (AD43-410), GULLY. Undated
Ngr: SU02309430
Parish: Somerford Keynes
Postcode: GL7 6BG
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BIAB (Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
19 Jan 2009