Neil, N. R J. (1999). All Saints Old Church, Becconsall, West Lancashire. Report on Archaeological Watching Brief. Nigel R.J. Neil Archaeological Services.

The title of the publication or report
All Saints Old Church, Becconsall, West Lancashire. Report on Archaeological Watching Brief
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
The number of pages in the publication or report
Number of Pages:
Biblio Note
Biblio Note
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Biblio Note
Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
A watching brief was carried out during underpinning and drainage works to a church which was a Grade II Listed Building. The church had been constructed in 1764 and restored in 1875, and had replaced two earlier churches, dating from the 16th century and from 1700, the locations of which were unknown. The present building had been downgraded to a cemetery chapel in 1926, and had more recently suffered from disuse and vandalism. During the watching brief, the foundation courses of the c. 1764-1839 secondary vestry were revealed within the underpinning trenches. The drainage trenches indicated that most of the area to the east of the church consisted of made-up ground. The base of the church foundations was not reached, but a single stone four courses down may have represented part of an earlier structure. Finds were exclusively of 19th and 20th century date, and included parts of one or more cast iron grave kerbs with finials, of which one example had survived in the churchyard, and other memorial fragments, ceramics, and glass floral tribute receptacles. These artefacts were not retained. [Au(abr)]
The authors of this publication or report
Nigel R J Neil
The publisher of the publication or report
Nigel R.J. Neil Archaeological Services
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
20th Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
1764 (Auto Detected Temporal)
16th Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Issue From: 1999 Date Of Coverage From: 01 Date Of Coverage To: 01 Editorial Expansion: Site name: ALL SAINTS OLD CHURCH, BECCONSALL
Study area:
Investigation type: Post-determination/Research
District: West Lancashire
Monument: CHURCH. Post-medieval (1540-1901), [finds]. Modern (1901-present)
Ngr: SD45222321
Parish: Hesketh-with-Becconsall
Postcode: PR4 6RR
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
19 Jan 2009