Lyne, M., McNee, B., Richardson, A., Carruthers, W. J., Helm, R., Wilson, T., Allen, P. T., Devaney, R., Barber, L. and Smith, I. (2018). Land at Burleigh Farm, Tile Lodge Road, Charing Heath, Kent TN27 0BX. Archaeological strip, map and monitoring and set-peice excavation. Phase 1. Post-excavation Assessment . Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Land at Burleigh Farm, Tile Lodge Road, Charing Heath, Kent TN27 0BX. Archaeological strip, map and monitoring and set-peice excavation. Phase 1. Post-excavation Assessment
The series the publication or report is included in
Canterbury Archaeological Trust unpublished report series
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canterbu3-310486_1.pdf (37 MB) : Download
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Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Archaeological excavation of an area 7.66ha was conducted on land at Charing Heath, Kent, in response to a proposed extension of Charing Quarry. Prehistoric activity comprised late Mesolithic worked flint with potential associated occupation, and early-mid Neolithic, late Bronze Age-early Iron Age, and mid-late Iron Age features, including ditches, pits, a potential sunken-featured-building and Bronze Age hoard. Late Iron Age-early Roman activity comprised ditches, trackway and pits. These were superseded by ditches, trackway, post-holes, pits and a limekiln. Placed-deposits within some pits, evidence for iron smelting, and a plough-damaged coin hoard (AD 64-85) were also recovered. Roman activity dated no later than the mid second century, and this hiatus continued until the thirteenth-century, represented by ditches forming the west-side of an enclosure surrounding a contemporary farm and adjacent chantry chapel, the remains of which are protected. Post-medieval to modern features reflect continuity from this medieval land use, and included field boundary ditches illustrated on a manorial map dated 1639, pits, post-holes, a masonry footing or drain, and a metalled yard associated with the chantry farm. To the east, activity included a brick well, and horticultural pits, fronting Tile Lodge Road. The Phase 1 archaeological investigation demonstrated that all the recovered data has the potential to contribute to the local heritage setting, and that the late Mesolithic and early Roman activity, particularly the limekiln, also have the potential to contribute to wider regional and perhaps national research agendas.
The authors of this publication or report
M Lyne
B McNee
Amanda Richardson
Wendy J Carruthers
R Helm
Tania Wilson
P T Allen
Rebecca Devaney
Luke Barber
I Smith
The publisher of the publication or report
Canterbury Archaeological Trust
Other Person/Org
Other Person/Org
Other people or organisations for this publication or report
Other Person/Org:
Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Please note: this record has been validated by-proxy by Historic England.
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
Site: Burleigh Farm, Charing heath
County: Kent
District: Ashford
Country: England
Grid Reference: 592808, 149924 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) BROOCH (Object England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) BUCKLE (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) COIN (Object England)
EARLY NEOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) LITHIC IMPLEMENT (Object England)
LATE MESOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) LITHIC IMPLEMENT (Object England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) PLANT REMAINS (Object England)
LATER PREHISTORIC (Historic England Periods) PLANT REMAINS (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) PLANT REMAINS (Object England)
EARLY IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
EARLY NEOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
LATE BRONZE AGE (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
MIDDLE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
MIDDLE NEOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) POT (Object England)
LATE BRONZE AGE (Historic England Periods) RAPIER (Object England)
LATE BRONZE AGE (Historic England Periods) SPEAR (Object England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) STRAP END (Object England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) DITCH (Monument Type England)
LATER PREHISTORIC (Historic England Periods) DITCH (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) DITCH (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) DITCH (Monument Type England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) ENCLOSURE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) ENCLOSURE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) FIELD DRAIN (Monument Type England)
LATE MESOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) HEARTH (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) LIME KILN (Monument Type England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
LATE MESOLITHIC (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
LATER PREHISTORIC (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) POST HOLE (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) POST HOLE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) QUARRY (Monument Type England)
LATER PREHISTORIC (Historic England Periods) GRUBENHAUS (Monument Type England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) TRACKWAY (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) TRACKWAY (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) WELL (Monument Type England)
Identifiers associated with the publication. These might include DOIs, site codes, Monument Identifiers etc.
OASIS Id: canterbu3-310486
Extra information on the publication or report.
Post-excavation assessment report (vi+72pp+39 plates+24 tables+21 figures+1 appendice
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
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Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
16 Aug 2019