Motley, C. and Sturgess, J. (2021). Gwynearth, Rosudgeon, Cornwall, Historic Building Record and Archaeological Watching Brief. Cornwall Archaeological Unit. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Gwynearth, Rosudgeon, Cornwall, Historic Building Record and Archaeological Watching Brief
The series the publication or report is included in
Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service unpublished report series
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cornwall2-418672_1.pdf (9 MB) : Download
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ADS, CC-BY 4.0 or CC-BY 4.0 NC.
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The DOI (digital object identifier) for the publication or report.
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
The principal aims of the study are to create a detailed record of the building prior to demolition and a record of any archaeological feature exposed during the course of the groundworks for the new development. The objectives are to: • Produce an accurate record of the building along with its fabric, fixtures and fittings (Level 2 or 3 as appropriate and as defined by Historic England 2016). • Create a phased historic development for the building. • Produce a record of any archaeological features exposed during the course of the development. All recording work will be undertaken according to the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) guidance (CIfA 2014; 2014a; 2014b; 2014c; 2017). Staff will follow the CIfA Code of Conduct (2014d). The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists is the professional body for archaeologists working in the UK. The archive research has already been completed as part of the Heritage Impact Assessment undertaken in 2018. This will be drawn on for the production of the report. Copies of maps from each historic period will be used where available and copyright permits to show the evolution of the building. In advance of the fieldwork CAU, will discuss and agree with the client: • Working methods and programme. • Health and Safety issues and requirements. • Transfer of Title for artefacts. • Obtaining an accession number from the appropriate archive repository. A historic building record (equivalent to a Historic England level 2/3 survey) will be undertaken. • A measured ground floor plan of the building will be created as far as Health and Safety requirements permit. Measured detail will be added to the drawings along with annotations to provide details of both historic development and fabric. • Colour photographs of all exterior elevations and interior room spaces along with architectural details will be taken with a digital camera (at a resolution of 10 million pixels or higher). These will form the archive. Photographs will include a metric scale bar, except where Health and Safety considerations make this impractical. • Descriptions of the exterior and interior will be made in note form and by annotation of the plan to record their fabric and construction, phased development through time and architectural details. The interiors will be described room by room. The SDOHE has advised that a watching brief is required on the site during groundworks to fulfil the planning condition. This work will be guided by CIfA’s guidance on undertaking watching briefs (CIfA 2014b). All groundworks which might potentially contain archaeological features will be undertaken under archaeological supervision. This will include any removal of material across the site, the excavation of footings or service trenches, or other activities which would result in the lowering of the present site levels. Should archaeological features be revealed, mechanical excavation will be halted, and the exposed features cleaned up by hand to determine their significance prior to either their recording or further mechanical excavation. The developer will allow reasonable time for the excavation and recording of any features thus revealed. Where a temporary stop of work is required the site archaeologist will request this via the developer and the SDOHE. During the archaeological recording the archaeologist will: • Identify and record any archaeological features that are revealed; the level of recording will be appropriate to the character/importance of the archaeological remains. • Site drawings (plans and sections) will be made by pencil (4H) on drafting film; all drawings will include standard information: site details, personnel, date, scale, north-point. • All features and finds will be accurately located at an appropriate scale. • All archaeological contexts will be described to a standard format linked to a continuous numbering sequence.
The authors of this publication or report
C Motley
J Sturgess
The publisher of the publication or report
Cornwall Archaeological Unit
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
District: Cornwall
County: Cornwall
Country: England
Parish: Perranuthnoe
Grid Reference: 155718, 29624 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
HOUSE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
Identifiers associated with the publication. These might include DOIs, site codes, Monument Identifiers etc.
OASIS Id: cornwall2-418672
OBIB: Report Number: 2021R090
Extra information on the publication or report.
This report was uploaded to the OASIS system by the named Publisher. The report has been transferred into the ADS Library for public access and to facilitate future research.
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
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Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
20 May 2022