Mace, T. and Elsworth, D. W. (2022). St Martins, Elterwater, Ambleside, Cumbria: Heritage Assessment. Ulverston: Greenlane Archaeology Ltd. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
St Martins, Elterwater, Ambleside, Cumbria: Heritage Assessment
The series the publication or report is included in
Greenlane Archaeology Ltd unpublished report series
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Publication Type:
Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Prior to any proposed alterations to St Martins, Elterwater, Ambleside, Cumbria, Greenlane Archaeology was commissioned to carry out a heritage assessment for the property, which is Grade II Listed. This was intended to provide suitable information about the history of the building so that a better understanding of its development could be obtained, which could then be used to assess its significance. The documentary evidence is relatively limited for the early history of the property. It appears to be an extension to the north of the larger house to the south, which is dated 1692. The map evidence shows that it had clearly reached essentially its current footprint by the mid-19th century, but it continued to be extended to the north into the later 19th century. Perhaps the most significant aspect of its history is its connection to the Langdale Linen industry. The property was leased, apparently along with the larger building to the south, in about 1883 through the efforts of Albert Fleming, a keen follower of the Arts and Crafts ideals outlined by people like John Ruskin, and the spinning and weaving of linen was soon established. This was initially managed by Marion Twelves, who had arrived in the area as Fleming’s housekeeper, but was also a fervent follower of the Arts and Crafts philosophy. She left after about five years and management was taken over by Elizabeth Pepper, the daughter of one of the spinners. It remained relatively productive and successful until about the end of the 19th century. By the early 20th century, it was evidently occupied by a cooper and his family. A site visit revealed that externally the building has retained much of its original character including elements of the rustic porches and the window casements. Internally it has been more comprehensively changed, with some original cupboards and one fireplace remaining. An entirely new staircase has been added and an earlier, but still probably not original, metal spiral staircases. As part of a Grade II Listed building, the building is statutorily protected and of local significance. It also contains various individual elements that are of potential importance because of their connection to the Langdale Linen Industry. The narrow monopitch extension to the north is of potential interest as it was apparently built during the period of use by the linen industry, but it seems likely to have been constructed as a covered walkway to an outside toilet. A more detailed archaeological building recording would provide a better understanding of the development of the structure.
The authors of this publication or report
Thomas Mace
Daniel W Elsworth
The publisher of the publication or report
Greenlane Archaeology Ltd
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
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Parish: Lakes
District: Westmorland and Furness
County: Cumbria
District: South Lakeland
Country: England
County: Westmorland and Furness
Grid Reference: 332732, 504699 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: greenlan1-515776
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Created Date:
08 Jan 2024