Elsworth, D. W. and Mace, T. (2023). Former Police Station, Ulverston, Cumbria: Heritage Assessment. Ulverston: Greenlane Archaeology Ltd. https://doi.org/10.5284/1116893. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Former Police Station, Ulverston, Cumbria: Heritage Assessment
The series the publication or report is included in
Greenlane Archaeology Ltd unpublished report series
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Publication Type:
Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Prior to the submission of a planning application for the proposed redevelopment of the site of the former police station, Ulverston, Cumbria, Greenlane Archaeology was commissioned to carry out a heritage assessment. This is intended to determine what the heritage potential of the site is and what the likely impact any redevelopment of it would have, and was principally carried out through the examination of data held in the historic environment record, the local archives, and published local and regional histories. While there is evidence from the wider area for human activity in and around Ulverston from the end of the last Ice Age this is largely restricted to coastal areas and wetlands, with stray finds and monuments becoming more common during the Neolithic and Bronze Age. There is no specific evidence for this within a study area around the site but stray finds of various periods are known and there is a large enclosure on Hoad Hill that perhaps has its origins in this period. During the Roman and early medieval period there is clearly evidence for activity in the local area but it is not clear what form this took and no substantial evidence for the extent of settlement has yet been identified. Ulverston has its origins in the early medieval period but it is primarily a medieval town and the site is significant for being directly adjacent to the site of Neville Hall, a possible pele tower of medieval origins that formed the focus of a small manor. In the post-medieval period the town continued to grow and was widely industrialised, as evidenced by the numerous mills and warehouses within the study area. Neville Hall was sold into private hands in the late 16th century and later used as a workhouse before the site was redeveloped in the late 19th century to provide a police station and court house, much of which still stands. The map regression shows how from the early 19th century the site developed from part of the estates belonging to Neville Hall to the police station, while consultation with the Historic Environment Record revealed the site to be surrounded primarily by evidence relating to the post-medieval development of the town. A site visit demonstrated how substantial parts of the former police station and court house still remain but that parts of the latter have been demolished and more recently garages have been added to the site. A consideration of the significance of the remains concludes that the Neville Hall, the former police station and the remains of the court house are of medium to high significance and worthy of further archaeological examination, and that there is potential for below-ground remains of medieval and post-medieval remains to be present on site.
The authors of this publication or report
Daniel W Elsworth
Thomas Mace
The publisher of the publication or report
Greenlane Archaeology Ltd
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
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Parish: Ulverston
District: Westmorland and Furness
County: Cumbria
District: South Lakeland
Country: England
County: Westmorland and Furness
Grid Reference: 328815, 478203 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: greenlan1-518899
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Created Date:
08 Jan 2024