Data copyright © Joanna Vince unless otherwise stated
This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Hon Secretary
Medieval Pottery Research Group
c/o Museum of London Archaeology
46 Eagle Wharf Road
N1 7ED
Due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the deposit of this dataset in the aftermath of Alan's death, we have been unable to identify properly many of images that Alan had created, especially those included as part of his project based archives. We have nonetheless included the images in the archive in the hope that other members of the pottery specialist community will be able to help identify them and enhance the resource's reuse value. If you can provide captions for any of the images you see within these archive pages, just a short sentence describing what they portray, please email with the image code and the caption. Thank you.
This section contains a complete series of finds reports produced by the Alan Vince Archaeological Consultancy between 1996 and 2008. The reports can be filtered by year using the list below. In addition, more detailed metadata has been uploaded to the ADS Grey Literature Library. The full series of reports can be queried using conventional search terms, and by selecting 'Alan Vince Archive' as the source.
avac1996001: The Petrology of some prehistoric pottery from Castle Hill, Folkestone 1991. | 326 Kb |