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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
Distinctive FeaturesAfrican imitation of Gauloise type 4. This type was first noted by Panella (1973). Like the Gaulish model, this amphora has "a ring-like rim" (Keay, 1984) but generally with a flat external face. Its neck is very constricted and hourglass shaped. The handles are characterised by a sweeping semi-circular profile and a wet-smoothing junction with the neck (Keay, 1984). The body is piriform, very tightened towards the base and terminated by a short cylindrical hollow bottom.See characteristics | ||
Date RangeThird century AD.Search: [3rd century AD] | ||
OriginThis type is associated with a series of stamps impressed on the handle indicating the province of Mauretania Caesariensis and the cities of Tubusuctu/Tiklat (e.g. EXPROV/MAVR CAES/TVBVSCTV or Saldae/Bougie: Laporte, 1976-78).Search: [Algeria] [North Africa] | ||
DistributionWide distribution but in small numbers, occurring in the western Mediterranean: Morocco (Thamusida, Volubilis, Banasa), Spain (ItalicaOstia, Rome), Egypt (Alexandria), Sudan (Meroƫ).Search: [Egypt] [Italy] [Morocco] [North Africa] [North West Europe] [Spain] [Western Mediterranean] | ||
ContentsContrary to early suggestions that olive oil would have been carried (Laporte, 1976-78), it now seems likely to have been wine (Panella, 2002).Search: [Wine] | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributor: Michel Bonifay | ||
ClassificationAugst 15Dressel 30 Keay 1A Ostia 5 Peacock & Williams 38 | ||
CEIPAC linkThe following link will take you to the Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antiguedad Clásica CEIPAC database. In the CEIPAC system this amphora has the ID KE51+BYZ. Note: access to CEIPAC requires registration, which is possible via |