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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
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Courtesy of Dottsa Lucrezia Ungaro, Museo Dei Fori Imperiale e Mercati Traianei
David Williams
Variants of Almagro 51A & B:[Almagro 51C] [Almagro 51C Variant] | ||
Distinctive FeaturesThe Almagro 51A & B displays sufficient variations to warrant separate classification. The Portuguese production is also known as Lusitana 7 form (Dias Diogo, 1991). Keay (1984: 156-168) further subdivides the 51A-B (his Keay 19) into variants A-C. Variant A has a wide mouth, B a narrow mouth and C a different rim type. The rim is generally a gently everted collar rim (though Keay describes the rim of his variant C as cup-shaped). The neck is conical, and the handles tend to be ear-shaped or semi-circular; ovoid or elliptical in section. The body is cylindrical or, sometimes piriform, with a short spike. No amphorae of this type are known to have been stamped.See characteristics | ||
Date RangeProbably from the third through to the sixth centuries AD.Search: [3rd century AD] [4th century AD] [5th century AD] [6th century AD] | ||
OriginThis form was produced in Lusitania.Search: [North West Europe] [Portugal] | ||
DistributionThere are a significant number of this type found in Portugal and Spain. It has also been found at Carthage, in Italy, Germany, Algeria and Libya (Beltrán Lloris, 1970; Manacorda, 1977a).Search: [Germany] [Italy] [Libya] [North Africa] [North West Europe] [Portugal] [Spain] [Western Mediterranean] | ||
ContentsFish scales (mackerel) were found in an amphora of this type from the Gisement des Catalans wreck (Liou, 1973: 586; cf. Keay, 1984: 160). The proximity between the kiln centres and fish industries also suggests the same (Fabião & Carvalho, 1990; Étienne, 1990).Capacity is c. 8 litres (notwithstanding the great variability of the type, its estimated capacity was measured in a small cylindrical amphora (with a maximum width of 23.5 cm and c. 60 cm of height) from the kiln site of S. João da Venda (Faro), Algarve, Portugal. Search: [Fish Sauce] [Fish-based products] | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributor: Carlos Fabião | ||
ClassificationKeay 19Lusitana 7 Peacock & Williams 23 | ||
CEIPAC linkThe following link will take you to the Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antiguedad Clásica CEIPAC database. In the CEIPAC system this amphora has the ID KE51+BYZ. Note: access to CEIPAC requires registration, which is possible via |