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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
Distinctive FeaturesThe only near-complete example known is similar to the Gauloise 3 type (Symonds, 2003: 56, Fig 4). It has a high-shouldered body, tapering to a narrow foot, flat strap handles, and a moulded collar below the rim. However, the rim is much more flaring than on a ‘true’ Gauloise 3. The Ironmonger Lane example has a much more vertical rim (also with a moulded collar) and in this respect is closer to the ‘true’ Gauloise 3 type. A number of the vessels are stamped by the potter Albucius, with three possible known examples:1. C.ALBVCI from Ironmonger Lane (Symonds, 2003: 57, Fig 6) 2. Part of C.ALBVCI from 168 Fenchurch Street (Dunwoodie, 2004: 47; not illustrated) 3. Third example mentioned, loc cit, but no reference DM (rim, external): 155mm DM (girth, maximum): 360mm H: > 420mm (base missing) See characteristics | ||
Date RangePre-FlavianSearch: [1st century AD] | ||
OriginLondon. Wasters, but not kilns, were discovered in 1982 on the north bank of the Thames, immediately west of the Walbrook (near St Paul’s Cathedral). It has been assumed that the kilns lay nearby. At the time of production, the site would have lain outside the settled area of Londinium. Besides amphorae, a very wide range of vessel types, including flagons, beakers, bowls, cups and mortaria, were produced in Sugar Loaf Court Ware. (Davies et alii, 1994: 29-36).Search: [Great Britain] [North West Europe] | ||
DistributionNot so far recorded outside London. In Neronian levels on some sites in London, Sugar Loaf Court ware (all vessel types) amounts to around 15% of all pottery by weight. It appears to be a very local and short-lived industry, which responded to a specific need (of a specific group of consumers?) by producing a comprehensive range of everyday Continental-style pottery.Search: [Great Britain] [North West Europe] | ||
ContentsUnknown. | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributors: Francis Grew and Fiona Seeley |