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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
Distinctive FeaturesTwo rim forms are known, both from the production site:1.Thick, flat ‘bottle’ rim, similar to the Gauloise 5 type: flat, triangular-section rim, approx. 40% surviving; handle scar. White slip survives on most surfaces, except on top of rim. 2. Furrowed rim type, Gauloise 12: two deep grooves, ‘furrows’, on rim, approx. 26% surviving. White slip mostly gone, except in the grooves. Outside the kiln site, the largest group of sherds come from Cottons Wharf, Southwark. They are highly abraded and despite coming from a single vessel, reconstruction of the original shape has not been possible. However, it seems to have had a ‘bottle’ rim, similar to (1) above; bifurcated handles (though the central groove was not pronounced); and a base that was quite wide for the type. See characteristics | ||
Date RangeMid second century AD.Search: [2nd century AD] | ||
OriginLondon. This white-slipped, red-bodied ware appears to have been a minor product of the London-Verulamium industry which mainly used white-firing clay. Coarse White-Slipped amphorae were certainly produced (alongside white wares) at Moorgate, on the northern margins of Londinium. Other production centres (e.g. Verulam Hill Fields, Verulamium) have been proposed but never proved.Search: [Great Britain] [North West Europe] | ||
DistributionNot so far recorded outside London and very rare even there.Search: [Great Britain] [North West Europe] | ||
ContentsUnknown. | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributors: Francis Grew and Fiona Seeley |