Copyright: Historic England

Historic England




Description:  Site code: CHR17. The results of a desk-based assessment, geophysical survey, and heritage impact assessment carried out by South West Archaeology Ltd. (SWARCH) for land off Halwyn Road, Crantock, Cornwall, in advance of a planning application for the site. The site is located on the edge of the modern village of Crantock, on the southern side of the estuary of the River Gannel and just south of Newquay. Crantock (Langorroc) is an early medieval settlement that grew up around an important pre-Norman collegiate church that went on to form part of the original endowment of Montecute Priory in Somerset. The site falls within a single field (Winstow Close) that belonged in 1840 to one of the several tenements of Crantock Churchtown, which at that time belonged to Lord Falmouth, and thus was probably parcel of the Manor of Triago/Treago. The adjacent former tenement of Halwyn is first recorded in 1270, and belonged to the Arundells of Lanherne. Poorly-recorded human burials of Prehistoric and later date have been reported from various locations within Crantock, and evaluation undertaken in the adjacent field uncovered a single stone-lined cist containing two Beaker vessels, but no human remains. The site inspection failed to identify any features of clear archaeological interest, but the geophysical survey undertaken revealed relict field ditches, one of which appears continguous with a feature identified in the survey of the adjoining field. These are likely to form components of a late Prehistoric or Romano-British fieldsystem. On this basis the archaeological potential of the site is deemed to be at least medium. The HVIA undertaken focused on four key designated heritage assets in the immediate area: the Grade II Vosporth Villa and former Sunday School, the Grade I Church, and the Conservation Area. The effect of the proposed development on the setting of these heritage assets was adjudged to be negative/minor overall. Information from OASIS Online Form.

Year Start:  2017

Year End:  2017

Country:  England


District:  CORNWALL


Grid Reference:   SW7914602730

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 179146, 2730

Period/Subject:  PREHISTORIC - DITCH

Intervention Type:  GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY

[ADS] Depositor Id: 1614559
[ADS] Associated Id: OASIS ID: southwes1-299744
[ADS] Import RCN: EHNMR-1614559

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Historic England
[Creator] South West Archaeology
[Creator] Cornwall Sites and Monuments Record

Bibliographic References: 

  • Bonvoisin P & Morris B/2017/Land off Halwyn Road, Crantock, Cornwall Results of a Desk-Based Assessment, Geophysical Survey and Heritage Impact Assessement/Report No 170731. South West Archaeology [evaluation and assessment reports].