Title: |
II: Town Farm Quarry, Norley, Cheshire
Issue: |
Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society 83 |
Series: |
Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society
Volume: |
Number of Pages: |
95 |
Page Start/End: |
13 - 36 |
Downloads: |
JCAS_ns_083_013-036.pdf (1 MB)
Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Abstract: |
Archaeological monitoring and subsequent excavation at the site of a quarry extension at Norley in Cheshire revealed two areas of heavily plough-truncated features. These consisted of slots, ditches and lines of pits delineating a series of enclosures. Some limited structural remains were noted within one of the enclosures; pottery finds indicated a Romano-British date for these features. The pottery assemblage, although small, was of some significance and suggested either relatively high status for the site or a preference for Roman eating habits. |
Year of Publication: |
Subjects / Periods: |
Excavation (Auto Detected Subject) |
(Monument Type England)
Enclosures (Auto Detected Subject) |
(Object England)
Roman (Auto Detected Temporal) |
(Monument Type England)
Source: |
ADS Archive
(ADS Archive)
Relations: |
Created Date: |
18 Jan 2018 |