Jamfrey, C., Vaughan, J. and Fraser, R. (1995). Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990. Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5. Vol 23, pp. 145-213. https://doi.org/10.5284/1060956.  Cite this via datacite

Title: Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990
Issue: Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5
Series: Archaeologia Aeliana
Volume: 23
Page Start/End: 145 - 213
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Reports excavation work undertaken to examine the development of this section of the medieval waterfront. It confirmed that a broad artificial platform over fifty metres wide had been created at the base of a steep river cliff through reclamation behind a sequence of successive stone waterfronts. Activity from the thirteenth to nineteenth centuries is detailed including the construction and enlargement of an L-shaped building during the fourteenth century, the construction of a new waterfront in the fifteenth century, and seventeenth-century redevelopment culminating in the construction of the Mansion House of the Corporation of Newcastle. The Mansion House was destroyed by fire in the late nineteenth century. There are details of: the pottery (thirteenth--eighteenth centuries); clay pipes; decorative plaster work; brick; floor tile; stone objects; `Coins' by R J Brickstock (188); copper alloy objects; lead and pewter; iron; and miscellaneous objects including leather fragments and a bone needle. Reports on `The animal and fish bones' by Simon J M Davis & Andrea Bullock (191--7), `The plant remains' by Jacqueline P Huntley (197--200), `Garden soils, midden deposits, landfill and ballast material' by Robert Shiel, Maureen McHugh & Mervyn Jones (200--7), and a discussion conclude proceedings.
Author: C Jamfrey
Jenny Vaughan
Richard Fraser
Year of Publication: 1995
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 30 May 2019