Moore, D., ed. (1970). The Irish Sea Province in Archaeology and History. Cambrian Archaeological Association.  Cite this via datacite

Title: The later prehistoric migrations across the Irish Sea
Issue: The Irish Sea Province in Archaeology and History
Series: Cambrian Archaeological Association Monographs
Page Start/End: 38 - 49
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence icon
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International Licence
Publication Type: MonographSeries
Abstract: Savory discusses evidence (and lack of it) for flows or people and/or ideas around the Irish Sea in the Bronze and Iron Ages, using the evidence of pottery, metalwork, settlement types and possible continental migrations.
Author: Hubert N Savory
Publisher: Cambrian Archaeological Association
Year of Publication: 1970
Subjects / Periods:
cultural contacts
exchange of ideas or craftsmen?
Iron Age migrations into Britain
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 31 Mar 2022