Britnell, W. J. and Silvester, R., eds. (2012). Reflections on the Past: Essays in Honour of Frances Lynch. Cambrian Archaeological Association.  Cite this via datacite

Title: Puffins amidst prehistory: re-interpreting the complex landscape of Skomer Island
Issue: Reflections on the Past: Essays in Honour of Frances Lynch
Series: Cambrian Archaeological Association Monographs
Page Start/End: 280 - 302
Reflections_on_the_Past_14_Barker_et_al_280-302.pdf (12 MB) : Download
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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Publication Type: MonographSeries
Abstract: In 1990, John Evans described the sequence of events that had brought him to Skomer. Similar events brought the authors back to Skomer to map evidence missed or omitted by previous archaeologists. In the thirty years since Evans’s work we have the benefit of new technology, although this only offers an incomplete picture. For example, in the western part of North Valley, Evans observed a field wall in the dried-out North Pond in 1989, and hut circles as dark soil marks (Evans 1990, 251), yet none of these features has been picked up by the LiDAR survey. Skomer still has archaeological secrets to be revealed.
Author: Louise Barker ORCID icon
Oliver Davis
Toby Driver
Robert Johnston
Publisher: Cambrian Archaeological Association
Year of Publication: 2012
Subjects / Periods:
Skomer Island
landscape history
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 31 Mar 2022