Brannlund, P., Turner, G., Turner, B. and Field, D. J. (2020). A mesolithic and chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age flint site in the Weald: fieldwork and excavation at Brinsbury, Pulborough, West Sussex - Supplementary Material. Sussex Archaeological Collections 158. Vol 158, Sussex Archaeological Society. pp. 0-0.  Cite this via datacite

Title: A mesolithic and chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age flint site in the Weald: fieldwork and excavation at Brinsbury, Pulborough, West Sussex - Supplementary Material
Issue: Sussex Archaeological Collections 158
Series: Sussex Archaeological Collections
Volume: 158
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Supplementary material for a mesolithic and chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age flint site in the Weald: fieldwork and excavation at Brinsbury, Pulborough, West Sussex. This paper reports on a programme of fieldwalking and excavation carried out by the Worthing Archaeological Society and the Brinsbury Campus of Chichester College between 2008 and 2012 that resulted in the recovery of struck flint attributable to at least two periods of activity. The earliest of these, a scatter of Mesolithic flintwork, hints at activities taking place probably intermittently over a considerable period of time. The second, a quite unique accumulation of 90 barbed-and-tanged arrowheads along with flint dagger fragments can be attributed to the Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age. Other pieces, particularly the more irregular examples, may be of later date. A thin scatter of Romano-British material was also recovered.
Author: Peter Brannlund
Gill Turner
Bob Turner
David J Field
Publisher: Sussex Archaeological Society
Year of Publication: 2020
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 26 May 2022