Lea, D., English, J. and Tapper, D. (2020). Cross Dykes Project. Interim report II/III: the River Adur to the River Cuckmere. Sussex Archaeological Collections 158. Vol 158, Sussex Archaeological Society. pp. 39-57. https://doi.org/10.5284/1094242.  Cite this via datacite

Title: Cross Dykes Project. Interim report II/III: the River Adur to the River Cuckmere
Issue: Sussex Archaeological Collections 158
Series: Sussex Archaeological Collections
Volume: 158
Page Start/End: 39 - 57
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: This article discusses the identification and distribution of cross dykes between the River Adur and the River Cuckmere and notes the relative absence of these monuments away from the periphery of the chalk downland and the southern areas directly overlooking the coast. A number of possible reasons for their construction, identified primarily from their positions within the landscape, is also discussed. Some of these are more likely than others and, while it is recognised that their purposes may have both varied and changed over time, the guiding of the movement of stock rather than people, and the identification of ‘permitted’ routes, appear to be prime candidates.
Author: David Lea
Judie English
Dick Tapper
Publisher: Sussex Archaeological Society
Year of Publication: 2020
Subjects / Periods:
Later Prehistoric
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 26 May 2022