Mumford, J. and Parry, C. (1995). Proposed A417 Lechlade Bypass, Gloucestershire. An Archaeological Field Evaluation. Gloucestershire County Council Archaeology Services.

The title of the publication or report
Proposed A417 Lechlade Bypass, Gloucestershire. An Archaeological Field Evaluation
Number of Pages
Number of Pages
The number of pages in the publication or report
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Biblio Note
Biblio Note
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Biblio Note
Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type
Publication Type
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Publication Type:
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
An evaluation was carried out along the proposed route of a bypass, which passed through Scheduled Ancient Monument no. 413, a multi-period cemetery, settlement and ceremonial complex. The monument incorporated features dating from the Neolithic to the Anglo-Saxon period, some of which were visible as cropmarks. A magnetometer survey along the proposed road corridor recorded a number of anomalies, whilst fieldwalking recorded a small concentration of worked flint and two concentrations of Romano-British and medieval pottery. Trial trenches were positioned to test cropmark, geophysical and fieldwalking evidence. Features containing Iron Age pottery, and Middle-Late Iron Age settlement boundaries in the form of a penannular ditch and rectilinear ditches, were recorded. Many of the features were overlain by medieval plough furrows and headland deposits, and it was noted that medieval and modern ploughing had resulted in the loss of surfaces contemporary with the Iron Age occupation. [AIP]
The authors of this publication or report
J Mumford
Charles Parry
The publisher of the publication or report
Gloucestershire County Council Archaeology Services
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
Middlelate Iron Age (Auto Detected Temporal)
Iron Age (Auto Detected Temporal)
Medieval (Auto Detected Temporal)
NEOLITHIC (Historic England Periods)
20TH CENTURY (Historic England Periods)
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Issue From: 1995 Date Of Coverage From: 01 Date Of Coverage To: 01 Editorial Expansion: Site name: A417 LECHLADE BYPASS
Study area: 2km
Investigation type: Evaluation
District: Cotswold
Monument: [furrow]. [headlend earthwork] Medieval (1066-1540), BOUNDARY DITCH. POST HOLE PIT [finds] Iron Age, [finds]. Medieval (1066-1540), [finds]. Prehistoric, [finds]. Roman (AD43-410), PLOUGH HEADLAND. PLOUGH MARKS Medieval (1066-1540)
Ngr: SP21350089, SU20459982
Parish: Lechlade
Postcode: GL7 3EU, GL7 3DW
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
19 Jan 2009