Abbott, C. (n.d.). County Farm, Chilton. Archaeological Evaluation (CHT 009) Report No. 96/63.

The title of the publication or report
County Farm, Chilton. Archaeological Evaluation (CHT 009) Report No. 96/63
Number of Pages
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Number of Pages:
Biblio Note
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The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Following the results of a desktop assessment and fieldwalking survey an archaeological evaluation was undertaken. The previous assessment had revealed that the present field layout originated from the layout of a medieval field system. The fieldwalking had revealed a scatter of prehistoric artefacts suggestive of some form of occupation. The evaluation, which consisted of five trenches, revealed evidence for the medieval utilisation of the site in the form of boundary ditches and trackways. More significant was the discovery of Iron Age ditches and post holes which were indicative of some form of settlement enclosure. [AIP]
The authors of this publication or report
C Abbott
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
No Date
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
Prehistoric (Auto Detected Temporal)
Iron Age (Auto Detected Temporal)
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Coverage From: 01 Date Of Coverage To: 01 Editorial Expansion: Site name: COUNTY FARM, CHILTON
Study area: 10ha
Investigation type: Evaluation
District: Babergh
Monument: TRACKWAY. Medieval (1066-1540), DITCH. Iron Age, [finds]. Prehistoric, [finds]. Medieval (1066-1540), [finds]. Iron Age, POST HOLE. Iron Age, BOUNDARY DITCH. Medieval (1066-1540)
Ngr: TL88704250
Parish: Chilton
Postcode: CO100PP
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
19 Jan 2009