Gibson, C. D. (2001). Production Facility (Building T) GlaxoSmithKline, Ware, Hertfordshire. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust.

The title of the publication or report
Production Facility (Building T) GlaxoSmithKline, Ware, Hertfordshire. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
Number of Pages
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Biblio Note
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Biblio Note
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Publication Type
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Publication Type:
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
An archaeological desk-based assessment was undertaken in advance of the redevelopment of one of the building units and part of the Westfields car park. The proposed development comprised a new production facility. On the basis of the evidence available it appeared that the production facility site had the potential for remains particularly dating to the Roman period. Numerous evaluations and excavations had already occurred in the vicinity, and many had provided evidence of Mesolithic, Neolithic, Iron Age, Roman or Saxon date. The proposed development lay on the periphery of the Roman settlement at Ware, which straddled Ermine Street. Archaeological work carried out in this area had unearthed sections of the Roman road in association with burials, and structures on either side of the road. Redevelopment of the old Allen & Hanbury's Sports Field had uncovered Mesolithic features including possible remains of huts and windbreaks, in association with flint scatters. Cartographic evidence suggested that the assessment area was relatively undeveloped until the early 20th century. It remained as two large fields, with only malthouses occupying the south-eastern sector, on the 1st edition 1878 OS 25" map. The land was on the western outskirts of Ware and had remained peripheral to the main town from the medieval period onwards. It was not until the construction of Allen & Hanbury's factory in 1899, and its subsequent expansion as Glaxo UK, and more recently GSK, that the site was subject to anthropogenic disturbance. [Au(adp)]
The authors of this publication or report
C D Gibson
The publisher of the publication or report
Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
MESOLITHIC (Historic England Periods)
Early 20th Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
MESOLITHIC (Historic England Periods)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods)
NEOLITHIC (Historic England Periods)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods)
IRON AGE (Historic England Periods)
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Issue From: 2001 Date Of Coverage From: 01 Date Of Coverage To: 01 Editorial Expansion: Site name: PRODUCTION FACILITY (BUILDING T), GLAXOSMITHKLINE, WARE
Study area: 0.612ha
Investigation type: Desk-based
District: East Hertfordshire
Ngr: TL35151437
Parish: Ware
Postcode: SG120DH
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
19 Jan 2009