Title: |
A multi-period salt production site at Droitwich: excavations at Upwich |
Series: |
Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: |
Number of Pages: |
164 |
Biblio Note |
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Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
Presents the results of excavations carried out in the 1980s. Upwich was historically the centre of salt production in the town as it contained a prolific source of brine from natural springs. The excavations confirmed the importance of the area during medieval and post-medieval periods, but also recorded evidence of earlier salt production extending back into the prehistoric period. Major structures included large Roman timber structures, sub-Roman/AS brine-boiling hearths, and the Upwich brine well itself (built in AD 1264--65) with its associated salt-making workshops and equipment. The `Introduction' (1--4) and an account of the `Background to the 1983--4 excavation' (5--8) are by J D Hurst. The structural phases are described and discussed in `The excavation' by J D Hurst & J A Hemingway (9--67). Finds reports comprise: `Pottery' by I J Lentowicz (68--89), covering IA to post-med and incorporating a `Note on samian ware' by B Dickinson (72--3 & microfiche) and a `Comparison of Upwich brine well group with other 13th century assemblages' by I J Lentowicz & J D Hurst (82); `Ceramic building materials' by J D Hurst & J Evans (89--90); `Clay pipe' by J D Evans, D Higgins & J D Hurst (90--3); `Ironwork' (93), `Copper alloy' (94), and `Lead' (94--6), all by I J Lentowicz; `Coins' (post med, except for a penny of Alfred the Great) by I J Lentowicz & W Seaby (96); `Glass' (mostly post-med wine bottles) by J Evans (96--8); `Worked stone' by F E S Roe (98--100); `Animal bone' by B Meddens (100--6 & microfiche), including worked bone; `Wooden artefacts' by J D Hurst (106--11); `An analysis of woodworking techniques and woodland origins of the Anglo-Saxon stakes' (111--19 & microfiche) and `Barrel hoops' (120--1), both by R A Morgan; `Tree-ring analysis and dating of timbers' by C Groves & J Hillam (121--6 & microfiche); `Leatherwork' (mainly med and later shoe parts) by Q Mould (126--33 & microfiche); `Textiles' (med silk and RB rope) by E Crowfoot (133); `Archaeobotany' by J Greig (133--45 & microfiche); `Mollusca', comprising `Snails' by D Williams (145--6) and `Other mollusca' (oysters) by J D Hurst (146); `Diatoms' by S Juggins (146 & microfiche); `Avian eggs' by D Brothwell (146--7); pine `Resin' by J Evans (147); `Beetles' by P J Osborne (147); `Radiocarbon dating' by R L Otlet & G W Pearson (148 & microfiche); `Infrared-stimulated luminescence dating' (of post-Roman alluvium) by M J Aitken (148); and `Miscellaneous artefacts' by J D Hurst (148). The final `Overview and conclusions' are presented by J D Hurst (149--52). |
Editor: |
J D Hurst
Year of Publication: |
1872414788 |
Locations: |
Location - Auto Detected: |
Droitwich |
Subjects / Periods: |
(Historic England Periods)
13th Century (Auto Detected Temporal) |
(Historic England Periods)
Roman (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Postmedieval (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Source: |
(The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Created Date: |
21 Jan 2002 |