Abstract: |
The second part of a volume derived from work concentrated at the southern extra-mural area of this Roman small town, but including one excavation in the northern area and work on the defences. This volume reports the finds recovered and brings together all the information from the excavations to interpret the economy of the site and its context. The pottery report is based on the type series laid down whilst the excavations were in progress.Separately authored reports begin with `Romano-British coarse pottery' by Frances Lee & Gerda Lindquist (3-92). `Samian ware' by B R Hartley, Hedley Pengelly & Brenda Dickinson (93-119), is followed by `Roman amphorae' by D F Williams (120-3), and `Vessels with incised graffiti' by Jeremy Evans, Frances Lee & Gerda Lindquist (124-30). Notes on the Roman pottery include `Stamped grey ware base' by Val Rigby (131). `Mortaria' by Paul Booth (132-43) includes details of the `Stamps' by K F Hartley (135-7) and there is a `Discussion of the Roman pottery in the context of Roman Alcester' by Jeremy Evans (144-9) along with `Pottery and ceramic small finds' by Rowan Ferguson (150-2). Finally, in the pottery section, are `Iron Age sherds from site M' by Jeremy Evans (153), and `Medieval pottery' by Stephanie Ratkai (154-6). The section on metal artefacts begins with `Coins' by Richard Brickstock & P J Casey (157-62) followed by `Copper alloy and iron brooches' by D F Mackreth (162-77) and `Copper alloy objects excluding brooches' by G Lloyd-Morgan (177-94). Then, `Iron objects' by Quita Mould (195-206), `Iron slag' by Gerry McDonnell (206), `Crucible fragments' by Justine Bayley (206 & 208), and `Lead objects' by Quita Mould (206-7 & 209-10). Bone and bone products include `Worked bone' by G Lloyd-Morgan (211-15), and `Human skeletal remains' by C B Denston (215-16). The ecology is detailed in `Botanical remains' by A J Gouldwell (217), and `Insect remains from pit F and their environmental implications' by P J Osborne (217-20). Building materials are described in `Daub' by Rowan Ferguson (221), `Decorated wall plaster' by Joan Liversidge & Stephen Cracknell (221-2), `Tile' by Rowan Ferguson (222), `Tesserae' by Jeremy Evans (222), and `Wood' by V Snetterton-Lewis (222). Other finds include `Coal' by A H V Smith (223), `Intaglios' by Martin Henig (223), `Glass' by Jennifer Price & Sally Cotton (224-9), `Leather' by J H Thornton (229), `Jet and shale' by Jeremy Evans (229-31), and `Worked stone and quernstones' by Jeremy Evans (231-48). The final `Discussion' by Stephen Cracknell (249-59) is followed by a `Bibliography' (260-70). Au & IH |