Booth, P., ed. (2001). Roman Alcester volume 3. York: Council for British Archaeology.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: Roman Alcester volume 3
Subtitle: northern extramural area 1969--1988 excavations
Series: Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: 127
Number of Pages: 346
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Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: The final volume in the Alcester excavation series presents the results of five excavations on three sites in the northern part of the extramural area to the south of the defended area, which revealed evidence of occupation during the Roman, Saxon, medieval and post-medieval periods, and in particular the origins of the Roman town from a postulated fort, strongly indicated by metal objects and ceramics with military associations from the earliest phases. Occupation continued from the early AD 60s throughout the Roam period. The report describes the large amounts of finds recovered, including pottery, tile, fired clay, glass, coins, copper alloy, iron, lead, stone objects, worked bone, slag, and building material. along with large faunal and environmental assemblages at the `Explosion' site. Several Roman burials were discovered, mostly of children. The volume concludes with a discussion of the origins of the town and development of the area. Includes French and German summaries.
Author: Jeremy Evans
Paul Booth
Editor: Paul Booth
Publisher: Council for British Archaeology
Year of Publication: 2001
ISBN: 1-902771-22-2
Location - Auto Detected: Alcester
Subjects / Periods:
Roman (BIAB)
Towns (BIAB)
Roman (Auto Detected Temporal)
Roman Saxon Medieval (Auto Detected Temporal)
Postmedieval (Auto Detected Temporal)
Early Ad 60s (Auto Detected Temporal)
Note: Editorial Expansion:Roman Alcester series
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BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Created Date: 16 Jul 2004