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Archaeology in York 23 (1)
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Archaeology in York 23 (1)
Archaeology in York
23 (1)
Publication Type:
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BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Created Date:
10 Apr 2002
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Richard A Hall
David Petts
Jane Stockdale
1 - 5
Brief reports on the activities of the excavation and conservation teams includes the find of an ornately decorated shield from Sheffields Hill and work on a boat discovered at the Shardlow Quarry, near Aston in Derbyshire, which is thought to date to the Bronze Age.
The wise man built his house upon...?? Excavations at 9, Little Stonegate
Neil Macnab
6 - 12
Reports on the successive layers of occupation discovered at the former Swinegate street-frontage site which date back to the thirteenth century. Timber-framed buildings were built and re-built or renovated in every century until they were demolished in the 1960s. Also notes evidence of metal-working between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries.
An archaeological sensory garden for the ARC
Helen Keighley
13 - 16
Notes the creation of innovative forms for interpretation of the past -- including tactile pictures, touch models, talking posts and highly scented plants -- at the Archaeological Resource Centre (ARC).
The former female prison: `skeletons in the cupboard'
Dave T Evans
17 - 22
Attempts to locate and determine the condition of the curtain wall of York Castle turned up a number of graves, some dating to the nineteenth century and connected with the prison which was established in the late eighteenth century, and others cut into deposits dated to the tenth and eleventh centuries which may have been buried in relation to a now vanished pre-Conquest church. The only evidence for the castle defences appears in the form of post-holes and a substantial layer of clay, dated to the eleventh century by pottery association.
Known associates and suspicious characters
John B Carrott
Harry Kenward
23 - 30
Discusses how the provision of a grant from the NERC contributed to more accurate analysis of insect remains from the Viking period at 16--22 Coppergate and the implications the work has for future research on species association and `synanthropic' fauna.
Families of Feoffees Passage
Ann Kirk
32 - 37
An historical report concerned with the inhabitants of cottages in Ellerkers Yard, based on the Census Returns of 1861, 1871 and 1881, which complements the excavations carried out by York Archaeological Trust between 1996 and 1997.
Sagas and sums
David Petts
38 - 39
Reports on a new initiative of the York Archaeological Trust which involves costumed interpreters telling stories and encouraging schoolchildren to indulge in role play as a means of learning about the past and furthering their creative skills and abilities.