Hinton, D. A., ed. (2002). Purbeck papers. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

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Title: Purbeck papers
Series: University of Southampton Department of Archaeology Monographs
Volume: 4
Number of Pages: 152
Publication Type: Monograph Chapter (in Series)
Abstract: Much archaeological rescue work has recently taken place in the coastal area of Purbeck in Dorset, due to oil-field and other industrial development. The Purbeck project was initiated to see what could be added to knowledge of the area through modern methods of archaeological survey and through the analysis of historical sources. The papers in the collection look at various aspects of Purbeck history and archaeology from the Iron Age, Roman and Medieval periods to the eighteenth century. Includes
Editor: David A Hinton
Issue Editor: David A Hinton
Publisher: Oxbow Books
Year of Publication: 2002
ISBN: 1-84217-066-X
Note: Is Portmanteau: 1
Source icon
BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
URI: http//:www.arch.soton.ac.uk/research/purbeck/
Created Date: 22 Jul 2004

Chapter Title
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Alan H Graham
David A Hinton
David D Peacock
1 - 83
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David A Hinton
84 - 117
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Neil S Rushton
118 - 125
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David Williams
126 - 131
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David Scott McOmish
132 - 138
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David A Hinton
Helen Trapp
139 - 152
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