Archaeologia 29

The title of the publication or report
Archaeologia 29
The series the publication or report is included in
Volume number and part
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Extra information on the publication or report.
Date Of Issue From: 1695 Date Of Issue To: 01
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (The Index of Archaeological Papers)
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
08 Dec 2008

Please click on an Article link to go to the Article Details.
Article Title Sort Order no arrows Access Type Author / Editor Page
Start/End Sort Order up arrow
Reference record only John Gage Rokewode
1 - 4
No Abstract icon
Reference record only George Wareing Ormerod
5 - 31
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Reference record only John Gough Nichols
32 - 59
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Reference record only Charles Henry Hartshorne
60 - 69
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Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
70 - 75
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Reference record only John Mitchell Kemble
76 - 79
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Reference record only David Jardine
80 - 95
No Abstract icon
Reference record only David Jardine
96 - 110
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Samuel Birch
111 - 126
No Abstract icon
Reference record only James O Halliwell-Phillipps
127 - 138
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Samuel Birch
139 - 144
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
145 - 166
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Joseph Hunter
167 - 191
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Albert Way
202 - 216
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
217 - 226
No Abstract icon
Reference record only J G Vance
227 - 240
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Reference record only John C Buckler
241 - 242
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Reference record only H Jenkins
243 - 256
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
257 - 261
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Reference record only Robert Cole
262 - 266
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Reference record only Henry Ellis
275 - 304
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Reference record only Frederick W Madden
305 - 317
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Reference record only Frederick W Madden
318 - 347
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Reference record only R L Pearsall
348 - 361
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
367 - 368
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Reference record only Henry Howard
368 - 370
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Reference record only William Bromet
371 - 372
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Reference record only William Henry Rosser
No Abstract icon
Reference record only James O Halliwell-Phillipps
374 - 375
No Abstract icon
Reference record only James O Halliwell-Phillipps
375 - 378
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Reference record only William Bromet
380 - 382
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Reference record only John M Traherne
382 - 383
No Abstract icon
Reference record only - Hooper
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
No Abstract icon
Reference record only John Gage Rokewode
386 - 387
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Reference record only Rawdon Brown
387 - 389
No Abstract icon
Reference record only John Gage Rokewode
389 - 390
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Henry Ellis
391 - 396
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
397 - 399
No Abstract icon
Reference record only George Wareing Ormerod
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
400 - 404
No Abstract icon
Reference record only John Gough Nichols
405 - 407
No Abstract icon
Reference record only William Jerdan
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Thos William King
407 - 413
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
414 - 420
No Abstract icon
Reference record only James O Halliwell-Phillipps
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Charles Roach Smith
421 - 423
No Abstract icon
Reference record only Henry Ellis
423 - 426
No Abstract icon