Title: |
Land at Sanfoin Farm, Pavenham: A Programme of Archaeological Investigation |
Series: |
Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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albionar1-55039_1.pdf (309 kB)
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Publication Type: |
Report (in Series)
Abstract: |
Bedford Borough Council has granted planning permission for the construction of a riding arena on land at Sanfoin Farm, Pavenham, Bedfordshire. Because the development lies in an archaeological sensitive area, a condition was attached to the planning permission that required a programme of archaeological investigation to be carried out during soil stripping in advance of the construction of the riding arena. Albion Archaeology was commissioned to undertake a programme of archaeological observation, recording, analysis and publication of the site, in accordance with the Brief issued by Bedfordshire County Council''s Archaeological Officer. During the watching brief buried remains of two furrows were recorded, which were interpreted as the ploughed out remnants of a medieval ridge and furrow field system. The alignment of the furrows corresponds with several of the cropmarks to the south and west of the development area. Such remains of ridge and furrow are considered to be of local significance. 17th- or 18th-century pottery recovered from the furrows may indicate that the strip fields were still cultivated in the post-medieval period, although it is also possible that the artefacts were derived from material filling the furrows after they went out of use. As the depth of the development impact at the southern end of the site was limited to the removal of the topsoil only, any archaeological remains existing within the southern part of the site are considered to have been unaffected by the development and were therefore preserved in situ. |
Author: |
A Bell
Christiane Meckseper
Publisher: |
Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: |
Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Bedford Borough HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Site: |
Land at Sanfoin Farm, Pavenham |
Parish: |
District: |
Bedford |
County: |
Bedfordshire |
Country: |
England |
Grid Reference: 498110, 255200 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods: |
Identifiers: |
albionar1-55039 |
2007/09 |
Note: |
A4 Bound client report
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
23 Nov 2016 |