Title: |
New Farm, Weston Way, Baldock, Herts |
Series: |
Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Report (in Series)
Abstract: |
In October 2005 Albion Archaeology undertook an intrusive archaeological field evaluation (trial trenching) at New Farm, Weston Way, Baldock, Hertfordshire. The work was occasioned by a planning application, for planning permission to demolish existing structures, construct a new children''s home and related works. New Farm is located on the western edge of Baldock. The evaluation has demonstrated the presence of a single Bronze Age cremation vessel within the proposed development area. The evaluation has also successfully demonstrated the nature and state of preservation of the, largely post-medieval, deposits encountered. There was no evidence for medieval or earlier agricultural or occupational exploitation of the proposed development area. |
Author: |
B Barker
A Bell
J Wells
Publisher: |
Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: |
Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Hertfordshire HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Site: |
New Farm, Weston Way, Baldock |
Parish: |
District: |
North Hertfordshire |
County: |
Herefordshire |
Country: |
England |
Grid Reference: 524257, 233469 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods: |
Identifiers: |
albionar1-12714 |
2005/68 |
Note: |
A4 combe bound report. Cream cover, 17 pages plus figures
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
23 Nov 2016 |