Bell, A. and Ingham, D. (2008). Huckle Hill (Area 4) The Wixams: Assessment of Potential and Updated Project Design. Bedford: Albion Archaeology.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: Huckle Hill (Area 4) The Wixams: Assessment of Potential and Updated Project Design
Series: Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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Publication Type: Report (in Series)
Abstract: Between June 2008 and May 2008 Albion Archaeology undertook an archaeological investigation at Huckle Hill, near Elstow, ahead of the Wixams housing development. The site had previously been identified by geophysical surveying and trial trenching Excavation of the site revealed the remains of a low status late Iron Age to late Roman farmstead, which contained linked enclosures, drove-ways, pits, structural features and cremations. Subsequent use of the farm compound in the Saxon period was represented by a number of wells/water pits, whilst a few small Saxo-Norman pits were also revealed. The remains of medieval/post-medieval agriculture were identified across the site.
Author: A Bell
D Ingham
Publisher: Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Bedford Borough HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: 2008
Site: The Wixams, Area 4 and 4E
District: Bedford
County: Bedfordshire
Country: England
Grid Reference: 505400, 243800 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods:
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) ANIMAL REMAINS (Object England)
IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) ANIMAL REMAINS (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) ANIMAL REMAINS (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Ceramic Building Materal (Find)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) COIN (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Cremation Vessels (Find)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Cremations (Find)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Glass (Find)
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Leather Shoes (Find)
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) SHERD (Object England)
IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) SHERD (Object England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) SHERD (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) SHERD (Object England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Cremations (Monus)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) Enclosure Ditches (Monus)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Enclosure Ditches (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Furrows (Monus)
UNCERTAIN (Historic England Periods) Gullies (Monus)
EARLY IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
LATE IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
UNCERTAIN (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Pond (Monus)
20TH CENTURY (Historic England Periods) POST HOLE (Monument Type England)
UNCERTAIN (Historic England Periods) POST HOLE (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) Well (Monus)
OASIS Id: albionar1-58344
OBIB: 2007/96
Note: Comb Bound Report
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Created Date: 23 Nov 2016