Title: |
Land adjacent to 6 Stratford Road Sandy Bedfordshire Archaeological Watching Brief Assessment of Results and Updated Project Design |
Series: |
Bedfordshire Council Archaeology Service (Excavation) unpublished report series
Number of Pages: |
40 |
Downloads: |
GL6015_Land_Adjacent_to_6_Stratford_Road_Sandy.pdf (2 MB)
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ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Report (in Series)
Abstract: |
The watching brief was undertaken during a barn conversion. During the groundworks, human skeletal remains were exposed. Subsequent investigation, largely confined to construction trenches, revealed the development area to be situated within an inhumation cemetery that probably dated to the early Romano-British period. Thirteen individual graves were recorded. Where identifiable, orientation was generally northeast - southwest. A small assemblage (25 sherds) of pottery was recovered, ranging in date from Early-Middle Iron Age to post-medieval. The size of the cemetery could not be fully ascertained, but it was believed to extend beyond the development area. [Au(abr)] |
Author: |
Drew Shotliff
Andrew Walsh
Martin D Wilson
Publisher: |
Bedfordshire Council Archaeology Service (Excavation)
Bedfordshire County Council, Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Site: |
Land adjacent to 6 Stratford Road |
County: |
Bedfordshire |
District: |
Central Bedfordshire |
Parish: |
Country: |
England |
Grid Reference: 518230, 247860 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods: |
Identifiers: |
Note: |
Date Of Issue From:
Date Of Coverage From:
Date Of Coverage To:
Editorial Expansion:
Site name: LAND ADJACENT TO 6 STRATFORD ROAD, SANDY Study area: Investigation type: Post-determination/Research District: Mid Bedfordshire Monument: [finds]. Iron Age, PIT. Post-medieval (1540-1901), [finds]. Roman (AD43-410), POST HOLE. Post-medieval (1540-1901), INHUMATION. Roman (AD43-410), CEMETERY. Roman (AD43-410) Ngr: TL18234786 Parish: Sandy Postcode: SG192AB
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
30 Aug 2017 |