Lewis, M. (1970). Stained Glass in North Wales up to 1850. https://doi.org/10.5284/1091094.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: Stained Glass in North Wales up to 1850
Series: Cambrian Archaeological Association Monographs
Number of Pages: 235
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Licence Type:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence icon
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International Licence
Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: Comprehensive catalogue and description of known stained glass in North Wales. The area is rich in quantity and quality of stained glass dating to the second half of the 15th and first half of the 16th centuries. Later glass is also well presented especially the work of the Welsh glass painter, David Evans. 72 B&W plates. A limited edition print-run that was not a Cambrians publication - but ownership has been given to the Cambrians by the author's family.
Author: Mostyn Lewis
Year of Publication: 1970
Location - Auto Detected: North Wales
Country: Wales
Subjects / Periods:
painted glass
stained glass in north Wales bibliography
stained glass
glass painters
stained glass in north Wales historical survey
15th (Auto Detected Temporal)
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ADS Library (ADS Library)
Created Date: 31 Mar 2022