Yeates, S. (2014). Historic Environment Impact Assessment on Land Adj The Orchard, Back Way, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire. John Moore Heritage Services. Cite this using datacite

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Historic Environment Impact Assessment on Land Adj The Orchard, Back Way, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire
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John Moore Heritage Services unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
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The work has involved the consultation of the available documentary evidence, including records of previous discoveries and historical maps, and has been supplemented with a site walkover. In summary, the work has involved: Identifying the client’s objectives Identifying the cartographic and documentary sources available for consultation Assembling, consulting and examining those sources Identifying and collating the results of recent fieldwork Site walkover The principal sources consulted in assessing this site were: The Oxfordshire County Historic Environment Record (HER) The Oxfordshire History Centre The Oxfordshire County Historic Environment Record, hold details of known archaeological and historical sites in the vicinity of the proposal site. A historical, archaeological assessment of Great Haseley in the light of the proposed development to the rear of the Orchard property facing onto Back Way has noted the following points. There is very little archaeological evidence in Great Horseley at present although this may be illusory and due to a lack of research. Roman material has reputedly been recovered from the churchyard and there is a large undated boundary bank, possibly part of a woodland enclosure that is unsatisfactorily dated. It is suggested on the HER as being medieval in origin, but could be older. A settlement was located at Great Haseley in the medieval period, and there are suggestions, probably based on the date of the font that a church has been on the site from c 800. The evidence concerning Latchford Chapel indicates that the parish of Great Haseley was originally attached to that of Thame. The majority of monuments listed on the HER are of listed buildings or features identified on later maps. These range in date from the medieval period through primarily to the Imperial period, with some 19th century structures added. The Orchard is a listed building in Rectory Road, dated to the 17th century. The proposed development site is on the curtilage of this building. The division of this curtilage has been identified as a potential problem to the development of the site. However, it can be shown from the Gascoyne’s map of Great Haseley dated 1701 that the Orchard and the Old Post Office (formerly the Lewington Arms and also a listed building) were smallholdings located in the fork between Rectory Road and the Back Way. In both cases the original curtilages of the buildings have been gradually eroded and infilled or sold. The curtilage of the Orchard originally included the land on which Vine Cottage was later built and the Whistler’s Barn was located on this curtilage. The curtilage of the Old Post Office has also been infilled with the loss of all of the curtilage to other buildings. The 1701 map of Great Haseley is made much store by the village appraisal and the advisor at the district council. However, some of their claims are erroneous. It is stated that an orchard on the 1701 map is still shown on that of the First Edition Ordnance Survey map of 1881. The Orchard smallholding appears from the map to contain the land associated with the Orchard, Vine Cottage and Whistler’s barn, which can be clearly identified along the Back Way. The fruit orchard on this map is marked to the west of Whistler’s Barn, and to the east of the Old Barn. It is possible to identify the site on the map where the boundary around the enclosure of the Old Barn kicks north. This being the case it is apparent that the historic orchard marked on the 1701 map must lie in the property boundaries of Merrythought and Southview. The fruit orchard of the First Edition Ordnance Survey map is shown to the east of the Whistler’s Barn, it is a creation of the 19th century. The proposed development site is suggested as infill along the Back Way. Some concerns have been raised over this proposal.
The authors of this publication or report
Stephen Yeates
The publisher of the publication or report
John Moore Heritage Services
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District: South Oxfordshire
Country: England
County: Oxfordshire
Parish: Great Haseley
Grid Reference: 463969, 201879 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: johnmoor1-218637
Report id: 3076
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This report was uploaded to the OASIS system by the named Publisher. The report has been transferred into the ADS Library for public access and to facilitate future research.
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Created Date:
19 May 2022