Gray-Davies, I. (2021). Waseley Hills High School Preliminary Archaeology and Heritage Survey. Mott MacDonald. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Waseley Hills High School Preliminary Archaeology and Heritage Survey
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Mott MacDonald unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
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Baseline information has been gathered within 750m from a central point within the school site, at NGR SO 97837 77124, hereby referred to as the ‘study area’. This study area is considered sufficient to produce a comprehensive baseline for the school site, to facilitate an understanding of the archaeological potential within the site, its historic significance and heritage assets which may constrain the scheme. The following actions have been undertaken for this assessment: ● An examination of the local and national planning policies in relation to the historic environment; ● A search of the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) for Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens, Scheduled Monuments, World Heritage Sites and Registered Battlefields within the study area; ● A search of the Worcestershire Historic Environment Record (HER) for archaeological sites, archaeological findspots and other non-designated heritage assets within the study area; ● A search of the Bromsgrove District Council website for conservation areas and information on local listed buildings; ● An examination of the relevant published and unpublished archaeological and historic sources e.g. journals and historic records; ● An examination of topographical and geological evidence; and, ● A map regression exercise using historic maps, as available online, to determine previous land use of the site. This Archaeology and Heritage Survey has been prepared by Mott MacDonald on behalf of the DfE to inform the design of improvement works to Waseley Hills High School. This preliminary survey provides an overview of the historic environment baseline and specific recommendations for the scheme. The proposals are at an early stage and the scope of works is still being developed. Currently, options for improving the facilities at Waseley Hills High School may comprise refurbishment of existing blocks and/or demolition of existing blocks and construction of new blocks. All blocks present at the school are currently being considered for these works. There is also the potential to build new blocks outside the current footprint of the existing blocks. The main courtyard block at Waseley Hills High School has been found to meet the local criteria for locally listed buildings, and is considered a non-designated heritage asset. This is primarily due to the interest provided by the overall well surviving historic fabric and form, and association with county architect A. V. Rowe. This non-designated heritage asset should be considered the principal constraint to the scheme. The scheme should seek to retain and preserve the main courtyard block, ideally utilising it for continued educational use. This would ensure accordance with both local and national policy. A suitable scheme would be to renovate the courtyard block as needed to make it suitable for modern educational needs, whilst conserving and where necessary renovating the extant historic fabric. As much of the original form and layout should be retained in any works to the building, as this makes a large contribution to the interest of the asset. Preservation of the open central courtyard should be given the highest consideration. If it is not feasible to retain the block, or significant changes to the block are proposed, mitigation may be required. The local Conservation Officer should be consulted regarding the proposals to develop a mitigation plan. This is likely to include historic building recording before any demolition or alteration to the asset. The small house, adjacent former storage building and gate piers leading into the site, should also be retained is feasible. This is because they provide context to the main courtyard block but, as they do not hold heritage interest in their own right, this is a consideration and should be considered a key constraint to the scheme.
The authors of this publication or report
Lucy Gray
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District: Bromsgrove
Parish: Bromsgrove, unparished area
Country: England
County: Worcestershire
Grid Reference: 397827, 277085 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: mottmacd2-513175
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Created Date:
10 Mar 2023