Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 4

The title of the publication or report
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 4
The series the publication or report is included in
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
Volume number and part
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
The publisher of the publication or report
Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
08 Jun 2023

Please click on an Article link to go to the Article Details.
Article Title Sort Order no arrows Access Type Author / Editor Page
Start/End Sort Order up arrow
Download available from the ADS icon 0 - 4
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John W J Fisher
4 - 6
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John Hill
7 - 10
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Assheton Pownall
13 - 14
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Mackenzie Edward Charles Walcott
15 - 24
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John Hill
25 - 31
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Download available from the ADS icon Joseph Burtt
32 - 36
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Assheton Pownall
36 - 47
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
48 - 51
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon J Parker
52 - 53
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon James Thompson et al
53 - 55
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Download available from the ADS icon J Joyce
55 - 59
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John Hill
60 - 77
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John Hill
83 - 88
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
108 - 111
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Mackenzie Edward Charles Walcott
117 - 122
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Download available from the ADS icon John Hunt
123 - 128
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Vincent Wing
128 - 131
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon John Edmund Weatherhead
135 - 137
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
138 - 145
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Vincent Wing
145 - 149
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Assheton Pownall
154 - 158
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Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
159 - 170
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Download available from the ADS icon E Tower
170 - 178
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Download available from the ADS icon Mr Sharpe
179 - 180
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
187 - 190
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Assheton Pownall
194 - 199
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
199 - 202
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Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
203 - 204
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Download available from the ADS icon William George Fretton
205 - 212
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Download available from the ADS icon Mackenzie Edward Charles Walcott
213 - 219
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
220 - 223
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Download available from the ADS icon William Kelly
225 - 227
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Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
229 - 232
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
232 - 242
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Download available from the ADS icon George Clarke Bellairs
246 - 249
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
250 - 253
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
254 - 262
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
263 - 271
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
273 - 276
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
276 - 279
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Download available from the ADS icon James D A Thompson
280 - 293
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Download available from the ADS icon E Tower
293 - 298
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Download available from the ADS icon John Owen Picton
298 - 299
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Download available from the ADS icon George Clarke Bellairs
309 - 317
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
319 - 320
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Download available from the ADS icon Assheton Pownall
326 - 327
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Download available from the ADS icon Thomas North
329 - 384
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Download available from the ADS icon 385 - 394
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