English, R. (2022). Archaeological Desk Based Assessment at Kilburn Square Estate, Kilburn, London, NW6 6PT. Border Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.5284/1111113. Cite this using datacite

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Archaeological Desk Based Assessment at Kilburn Square Estate, Kilburn, London, NW6 6PT
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Border Archaeology unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Border Archaeology (BA) was instructed by the London Borough of Brent to produce an Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (ADBA) for the Kilburn Square Estate, Kilburn, London NW6 6PT (NGR TQ 25218 83765) in connection with the demolition of two existing structures and the redevelopment of the Site to provide a total of 139 flats (40 extra care flats (Use Class C3b) and 99 general needs flats (Use Class C3)) in 4 buildings ranging from between 5 to 8 storeys alongside access routes, car parking, cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping, playspace and other associated works. This ADBA assesses the impact of the proposed development on buried heritage assets (archaeological remains) and forms an initial stage of site investigation enabling the local planning authority to formulate an appropriate response. The archaeological potential of the Site has been assessed in overall terms as Low to Moderate, with particular reference to encountering archaeological remains of Roman, medieval and post-medieval date. It is unlikely that buried remains dating to the Prehistoric period will be encountered. It should be noted that there have been very few archaeological interventions recorded in the vicinity of the Site, many of those investigations which have taken place have occurred within the Kilburn Priory and Settlement APA on the E side of Kilburn High Road to the E and SE of the Site. A number of investigations have also taken place S of the railway line. Consequently, it is difficult to draw definite conclusions regarding the nature and depth of significant archaeological deposits in the area and the extent of modern truncation. However, it has been noted during watching brief works within the carriageway of Kilburn High Road within the APA for Watling Street which lies just over 50m to the E of the Site that much of the ground was disturbed and natural deposits were heavily truncated where present. These works mostly encountered modern deposits overlying substantial depths of made ground of 19th century date. It is highly likely that the survival of buried assets within the existing building footprints within the estate is Low, the foundations and associated ground works likely to have negated below ground deposits within the footprints of the existing buildings. There may be some potential for areas of survival within the Site, though levelling and hard and soft landscaping in the areas surrounding the buildings may also have disturbed or truncated archaeological deposits and features. Recommendations: It is Border Archaeology’s considered opinion that, prima facie, the archaeological potential of the site does not present an impediment to the proposed development. Given the Low to Moderate potential of the site it is recommended that an appropriate programme of archaeological work, the details of which to be agreed with the Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service, will be necessary to determine the extent, depth and significance, or absence of buried archaeological features and deposits across the site.
The authors of this publication or report
R English
The publisher of the publication or report
Border Archaeology
Year of Publication
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County: Greater London
Country: England
Parish: Brent, unparished area
District: Brent
Grid Reference: 525216, 183764 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: borderar1-515047
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Created Date:
19 Jul 2023