Newman, I. and Carty, N. (2021). Kingston Bagpuize Sewage Treatment Works Heritage Desk Based Assessment. Mott MacDonald Ltd. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Kingston Bagpuize Sewage Treatment Works Heritage Desk Based Assessment
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Mott MacDonald unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
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Baseline information has been gathered within a 1kmradius of the site boundary (hereby referred to as the ‘study area’)for designated assets and 500m for non-designated assets. This search radius is considered sufficient to produce a comprehensive historic environment baseline for the Site. This will allow for an understanding of the archaeological potential and historic significance to be established and, subsequently, for appropriate mitigation to be recommended. The DBA follows the 2020updated Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ (CIfA) Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment, and Historic England’s Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance (Historic England, 2008). The CIfA guidance outlines the necessity of the DBA to enable appropriate mitigation strategies where necessary, in line with the local and national policies in place. The following actions have been undertaken for this assessment: ●An examination of the local, regional and national planning polices in relation to the historic environment; ●A search of the National Heritage List for England (NHLE) for Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens, Scheduled Monuments, World Heritage Sites and Registered Battlefields within the study area; ●A search of the Oxfordshire HER for archaeological sites, archaeological findspots, locally listed buildings, archaeological priority areas and archaeological event locations within the study area; ●A search of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) database for additional findspots within the study area; ●An examination of relevant aerial imagery held by the National Collection of Aerial Photography; ●An examination of relevant Environment Agency Lidar data available for the study area; ●An examination of the relevant published and unpublished archaeological and historic sources e.g. journals and historic records; ●A search of the Archaeological Data Service (ADS) for the reports of archaeological excavations within the wider area; ●An examination of topographical and geological evidence; ●A map regression exercise using historic maps to determine previous land use of the site; and ●A site walkover, undertaken on 9th of February 2021 in order to determine the topography, existing land use and character of the area, while identifying any previously unrecorded heritage assets present. This DBA has been undertaken to assess the likely historic environment impacts of development proposals for upgrade works at Kingston Bagpuize STW. This has incorporated a review of the available data from the NHLE and Oxfordshire HER within the study area. There is no anticipated impact from the proposed works on the setting of Kingston Bagpuize Conservation Area (MM40), the listed buildings within it, or Kingston Bagpuize Park (MM41) due to heavy screening provided by the mature trees to the east of the site. The archaeological potential of the site is generally low. Evidence suggests there is a low potential for remains of all periods, and much of the below ground strata within the current STW footprint will have been heavily disturbed by the construction of the STW. However, the lack of evidence for archaeological remains of all other periods may be reflective of the limited targeted investigation in the area, rather than the genuine absence of sub-surface archaeological deposits. Lidar data also suggests there may be deposits of an agricultural nature such as plough soil and ridge and furrow in the vicinity of the site. Furthermore, localised areas of alluvium may survive between the below ground infrastructure of the STW, which has the potential to contain paleoenvironmental remains. The new permanent structures that are proposed may impact unknown deposits of archaeological interest and alluvium in areas that have not already been disturbed by the construction of the STW.
The authors of this publication or report
Imogen Newman
Niamh Carty
The publisher of the publication or report
Mott MacDonald Ltd
Year of Publication
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Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
District: Vale of White Horse
Parish: Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor
Country: England
County: Oxfordshire
Grid Reference: 440315, 197526 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: mottmacd2-512187
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Created Date:
24 Jul 2023