IntroductionThe Medieval Settlement Research Group (MSRG) is a long established, widely recognised and open multi-disciplinary group that facilitates collaboration between archaeologists, historians, geographers and other interested parties. The Group is dedicated to developing understanding of rural landscapes and settlements including villages, hamlets and farmsteads between the 5th and 16th centuries AD. For information about membership, conferences, grants and other activities, please see the MSRG website (
Medieval Settlement Research
The MSRG's journal, Medieval Settlement Research (MSR), is published each year in the autumn. The journal is an internationally recognised publication, containing peer-reviewed research papers, fieldwork reports and news, reviews and an annual bibliography. Although the Group's interests are concentrated on British and Irish medieval landscapes between the 5th and 16th centuries AD, it actively encourages wider chronological and pan-European perspectives. Medieval Settlement Research therefore welcomes papers on Britain, Ireland and Europe that help us to improve our understanding of medieval settlements and landscapes from the level of individual sites to the international scale.
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