P.W. Blinkhorn and C.G. Cumberpatch, The Tyranny of the Field Archaeologist



1. Theoretical Archaeological Group: TAG has annual conferences, usually in December. It started as a theoretical seminar with a Sheffield-Southampton axis in the early 1980s and quickly became open to the public. <------" (back to text)

2. Institute of Field Archaeologists: a professional association which aims to set standards for the conduct of archaeological field work in Britain. <------" (back to text)

3. Management of Archaeological Projects 2: a publication of English Heritage, a division of the British Department of Environment (1991). <------" (back to text)


Adams, M. 1991. A logic of archaeological inference. Journal of Theoretical Archaeology 2: 1-11.

Anonymous. 1998. Crisis of conscience; archaeology and development. Rescue News 74.

Barrett, J.C. 1994. Fragments from Antiquity: An Archaeology of Social Life in Britain, 1900-1200 BC. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Cumberpatch, C.G. In press. People, things and archaeological knowledge: an exploration of the significance of fetishism in archaeology. Journal of Theoretical Archaeology.

Hill, J.D. 1992. Can we recognise a different European past? A contrastive archaeology of later prehistoric settlements in southern England. Journal of European Archaeology 1: 57-75.

IFA Finds Group. 1992. Guidelines for Finds Work. IFA Publications.

Johnson, M. 1993. Housing Culture. London: UCL Press.

Miller, D. 1985. Artefacts as Categories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Morris, E.L. (ed.) 1992. Women in British Archaeology. Equal Opportunities in Archaeology Working Party Report. IFA Publications.

Samuel, R. 1994. Theatres of Memory. London: Verso.

Strickland, T. 1993. The consultant's perspective. In Evaluations in Archaeology: PPG 16 Three Years on (ed. P. Carrington) Chester Archaeological Service Occasional Paper 1.

Tilley, C. 1991. Material Culture and Text. London: Routledge.


Paul Blinkhorn has been an archaeological analyst of medieval ceramics for the last 16 years, specialising in the pottery of the Midlands and East Anglia, England. He has worked for a number of archaeological units and is now an independent consultant living in Northampton. His e. mail address is <pblink@yahoo.com>.

Dr Chris Cumberpatch has worked as an archaeological consultant, based in Sheffield, since 1991. He specialises in the assessment of archaeological resources, the analysis and publication of medieval and post-medieval pottery assemblages and the management of on-site finds processing. His chief area of interest is the relationships of human beings to the physical world, as mediated through material culture.


Copyright © P.W.Blinkhorn and C.G.Cumberpatch 1998


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