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In its last issue, assemblage inaugurated this section devoted to new techniques and media for archaeological research and presentation. In this issue, Anna Badcock takes a novel approach to the archaeology of inhabitation and agency in a modern coke-processing plant; Martin Evison, Oran Finnegan, and Teri Blythe give us an update on their facial reconstruction software; and Cam Muir, Russ Watkins, and The Ha provide us with programs for creating videotape 'fly-bys' of reconstructed prehistoric landscapes. Neither last nor least, Graham McElearney makes the second installment of his guide to software for archaeologists.

Making Coke, Making People: The Recording of Avenue Coking and Chemical Works, Chesterfield, England
by A. Badcock

Computerised 3-D Facial Reconstruction: Research Update
by M.P. Evison, O.M. Finegan, and T. Blythe

Graham's Software Guide for Archaeologists (no. 2)
by G. McElearney

Map Simulations, Based on Bathometric Data and Information about Glacially Induced Sea-Level Changes, Are Used to Test a Palaeo-Migratory Hypothesis Inferred from Orang-utan Population Genetics Data
by C. Cam Muir, R.F. Watkins, and T.T. Ha


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