A. Badcock, Making Coke, Making People



1. The coal industry in Britain was nationalised in 1948 (Malaws 1997). <------ (back to text)

2. For a discussion of current English planning law and archaeology, see 'Archaeology today' by Geoffrey Wainright of English Heritage, in assemblage. <------ (Back to text)


Barrett, J. 1994. Fragments from Antiquity. An Archaeology of Social Life in Britain, 2900-1200 BC. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

English Heritage. forthcoming. The Monument Protection Programme: 10 years old! Conservation Bulletin.

Gould, S. 1994. Coal industry: site assessment step 3 -- Avenue Works. English Heritage, unpublished report.

Malaws, B. 1997. Process Recording at Industrial Sites. Industrial Archaeology Review, 19: 75-98.

Markus, T.A. 1993. Buildings and Power. London: Routledge.


Anna Badcock is the Principal Archaeologist at ARCUS (Archaeological Research & Consultancy at the University of Sheffield) and is a graduate in Archaeology and Prehistory and Landscape Archaeology from the University of Sheffield. She is involved in all aspects of contract archaeology, from project design and management to field practice. Her particular interests are the application of landscape approaches in archaeology. She is currently investigating the development of (later) historic landscapes in the Sheffield region and in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland). She wishes she scored more often in football on Friday nights. She may be reached by e. mail at the following address: <a.badcock@sheffield.ac.uk>.


Copyright © A. Badcock 1998


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