Life, Work and Death in Birmingham, AD 1100-1900

Birmingham Archaeology, 2017. (updated 2020) How to cite using this DOI

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Birmingham Archaeology (2020) Life, Work and Death in Birmingham, AD 1100-1900 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Birmingham Archaeology (2020) Life, Work and Death in Birmingham, AD 1100-1900 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Life, Work and Death in Birmingham, AD 1100-1900

Location World regionBritish Isles and Ireland
British Isles countryEngland
English regionWest Midlands
TGNWorld, Europe, United Kingdom, England, West Midlands, Birmingham [7019028]
Grid reference OSGB407300 286600
Grid reference Latitude longitude
bounding box
-1.9202256 -1.8765593
Subject Event Type (England)LASER SCANNING SURVEY
Event Type (England)WATCHING BRIEF
Event Type (England)Building Recording
Event Type (England)EXCAVATION
Event Type (England)EVALUATION
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)HUMAN REMAINS
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)WASTE
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)SHERD
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)CLAY PIPE (SMOKING)
Library of Congress Subject HeadingsExcavations (Archaeology)--England
Library of Congress Subject HeadingsArchaeology
Monument Type (England)CANAL
Monument Type (England)Burial Ground
Monument Type (England)BURIAL VAULT
Monument Type (England)INDUSTRIAL
Monument Type (England)INDUSTRIAL BUILDING
Monument Type (England)INHUMATION
Monument Type (England)MANOR HOUSE
Monument Type (England)METAL WORKING SITE
Monument Type (England)MOAT
Monument Type (England)PRISON
Monument Type (England)RAILWAY
Monument Type (England)RAILWAY STATION
Monument Type (England)SHELL FACTORY
Monument Type (England)CUTLERY WORKSHOP
Monument Type (England)COFFIN
Monument Type (England)TANNERY
Monument Type (England)CHURCH
Monument Type (England)Clay Pipe Manufactory
Monument Type (England)CEMETERY
Period Period (England)MEDIEVAL
Period (England)POST MEDIEVAL
Period (England)PREHISTORIC
Period (England)ROMAN
Project dates Created From01-MAY-2007
Created To01-FEB-2017
First Released18-JAN-2018
Last Modified17-JUN-2020
Identifiers Contracting Unit No.PN 1611
HE Project Number3581
Data types available Database10 objects
GIS89 objects
Image1 objects
Spreadsheet3 objects
Text6 objects

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